Would be nice to label saves..... That said. I have a comment. On the low corruption Julia gets the massage in Connor room. MC is watching but has to close when Jasmine comes up. I think more went on there we do not get to see. This continues to the movie ... then they disappear to Connors room where the MC see the condom on the bed later. I think they are finishing what was started back at the massage. Just a thought .
It is very interesting what you can observe in the discussion going on the last couple pages about what is found out, what the various posters believe might happen or has happened. I simply chose your post to reply, since I do not wnat to quote a half dozen posts, it gets impractical for reading.
Some of my observations: Currently we have 3 identifiable main variables in game, the number of corruption points, if we share fantasies with Julia and if we take Jasmine in the mix or not.
In my opinion, several posts try to compare apples and pears as far as some observations go, since they have differeing stats at the base and mix up paths by reading stuff into it.
First off, in my opinion how I read the beginning of the game, our couple is in a stable good relationship and only in a rather small rutt sexually. The passion has slept in a bit, but that is it, not something big. It is made clear when/if you share fantasies and then have sex, both are happy and satisfy the other. The only thing missing for them is reigniting more passion.
It very much impacts which path we go on, since Julia´s personality, drives and ideas change (yours a bit too) depending on the path. For example,
If you keep CPs low and Jasmine out (not fully sure how deep sharing fantasies impacts), then there are no shenigans, a couple fantasies and play between Julia and you, but that is it. Even Cornell holds back more and any situation is just harmless happenstance.
If we share fantasies, raise CPs steadily and include Jasmine, we go onto the sharing/swinging path, where a lot can and will happen, but our couple is open about it (e.g. Julia rubbing one out on Cornell´s crotch knowing you support her and in full view of you). The only real danger for your relationship is how far you both go in relation to Jasmine and Cornell over time. If you keep it to sharing/swinging or really pursue them.
Far bigger are the problems if you keep the ** low, do not share fantasies and pursue Jasmine, which will send you on the cheating route with a hurt Julia. Flippantly speaking, what can go worng here if you do that?