I'm stuck ... I don't know how to raise the lewdness. I'm on level 10 lewdness and only have three locations. Workplace, home and massage place. How to unlock the rest?
Most of the locations on the map don't exist yet.
You can increase lewdness through a random event during a morning shower where, if you didn't lock the door, Kayla comes in saying she's running late and asks to join you. If you stay facing away from her you get +1 lewdness and a little arousal, if you turn around to face her you get a big stress reduction and a lot of arousal, plus I think +1 relationship either way? But it's a random scene, maybe one morning in three, and I haven't found a way to increase the chances.
I'm not sure if there are any other ways that work at level 10-14, though the massage parlor will advance you further once you hit lewdness 15.