My state of development is that I am still making the tools for building the games scenes, the overworld works as intended and all the movement and character pathing/dialogue works. The battles are near complete. The big thing that needs to be done is the art, I've been hand drawing (and animating for a lot of almost) everything, UI, overworld, battles, and every h-scene is going to be animated now so that's been taking a very, VERY long time. The second thing taking a while is making the cutscenes smooth and making the story an actual, well, story. Oh and I've been making the music and sound effects which is a whole other effort on top of everything
I, to be completely honest, don't believe it will be out this year. I could push it and say this year but I'm being realistic to my time/skill in making things. I plan to release public development posts on discord and here for some more "side note" dev stuff that I feel wouldn't be important enough for just patreons, like minigames, physics puzzles and more stuff like that
TLDR: probably early next year, maybe. I wanted to make a real porn game and now I'm facing the development time in turn
EDIT: I also mostly don't want to release to close to scarlet/violet as that's when the big N-tendie is at their most litigious