Pokémon Ecchi Version - 11/26/2022 Update
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When loading your save file, you may notice an error; this simply means new variables are being initialized and it should continue as normal. A Spanish language translation is currently being worked on, so I have refrained from adding much more dialogue to the game until it is complete.
- Fixed a major bug with battle animations.
- Various bug fixes.
- Default scene handler overhauled.
- Narration will displays in most scenes once again.
- Reworked Alpha Pokemon behavior to only pursue player when in their range.
- Battle animations updated and overhauled ( thanks to StCooler ).
- Post-battle overworld animations for more trainers.
- Music should now resume where it was interrupted.
- New events.
- Sandshrew, Sandslash, Snorlax, Dragonite, Gengar illustrated.
- Stantler illustrated ( thanks to GeorgeTheMonke96 ).
- Tyrogue, Hitmonchan, and Hitmonlee illustrated ( thanks to Antares1991 ).
- Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Metapod, Abra, Floatzel, Houndoom, Nuzleaf, Spheal, Sealeo, Walrein, Wingull, Pelipper, Psyduck illustrated ( thanks to DarwinDarstein ).
- New items in the wardrobe ( thanks to DarwinDarstein ).
- The road to Route 16 has opened.
- The way to Stark Mountain has opened.
- Mt. Granite is experiencing weather anomalies.
- The St. Andrew, a cruise liner, is currently at port in Cliffshore City.
- Trainers from far-off lands may board the St. Andrew come to visit the Midara Region in the future.
- La traducción al español de la Ecchi Version se encuentra actualmente en un 50% de finalización.