There is a changing room on the ground floor of the Pokémon Center. You can also use the Wardrobe in Allie's room.excuse me ,have someone can tell me how I wear the clothes after I get the luck egg?
It probably means you need to install the fonts from the Fonts folder to your system. You'd have to be more specific for me to be sure.what's the font warning?
You can activate Debug mode by opening debug.bat instead of Game.exe or by pressing Down Arrow + X on the Title Screen.Hey, is there an events guide? Moreover, how can I activate cheats? I'm quite underleveled and I'd rather spend my time on something else (you know what I mean)
Certain NPCs have a chance to give you items when you Flirt with them. Because it's a random chance, you may need to Flirt multiple times. You can only receive an item from an NPC once, so far as I know. It can also activate certain scenes. The Beauty Title/Class increases the success rate of Flirting.the flirt option does not work for me.What does it do?
This is a side-effect of optimizing maps.Does anyone know how to fix this?
Not specifically. The Options screen has several sizes, including Full Screen. If that's not enough and you're on Windows, it has a Magnifier app by default.Is there any way to set the window size to 1920x1080 ?
Through Limestone Cave's dark area. The city doesn't appear on your map until you've been there.where is Argent City?
'Aggron Assault' Ashwood Pokémon Center job.Where do you get aggron scene?
If the bars don't have text, you probably need to install the fonts from the Fonts folder to your system. If that's not the problem, you'll have to be more specific. Are you on Mobile or PC?the 4 clothing slots are completly empty, my char is naked so whole time. Tried the save file a few pages before and even there all 4 still empty. Can someone help
i am on PC, i did the Fonts folder to the System. The text when i start the game doenst show anymore but there are still no clothesNot specifically. The Options screen has several sizes, including Full Screen. If that's not enough and you're on Windows, it has a Magnifier app by default.
Through Limestone Cave's dark area. The city doesn't appear on your map until you've been there.
'Aggron Assault' Ashwood Pokémon Center job.
If the bars don't have text, you probably need to install the fonts from the Fonts folder to your system. If that's not the problem, you'll have to be more specific. Are you on Mobile or PC?
Is this a new installation, or are you updating from an older version? You are using 7-5-2022, right?i am on PC, i did the Fonts folder to the System. The text when i start the game doenst show anymore but there are still no clothes
Debug mode. Open the game with debug.bat or press Down Arrow + X on the Title Screen.Does anyone know of a way to multiply items within the game? I tried with external programs but I do not succeed at all
I installed the 7-5-2022 Version from GoFile and extracted it with bandizip, first time downloading and playing the gameIs this a new installation, or are you updating from an older version? You are using 7-5-2022, right?
Can you give more details on how you installed the game?
Debug mode. Open the game with debug.bat or press Down Arrow + X on the Title Screen.
I tried it on new Game and in downloaded Save, both look the same.You press right arrow to switch between clothes in the wardrobe (you don't have any Hats by default).
Have you tried a new game, instead of the downloaded save?
Can you post a screenshot?
I cut/pasted them in the System Folder in GraphicsThat looks like something is wrong with your Fonts, but you said you installed them. Are you sure you installed them to the right place? Did you copy or cut/paste?
ahh now it works, first time i had to install with right click, didnt knew that one. Thank you so much man <3To install Fonts, select them, right-click and choose 'install'. The Graphics\System folder is something else.
There is no post load scrip in the setting and im in the latest app of joiplay right nowDisable Post-load Scripts.
Make sure you're using the latest version of Joiplay.
appreciate you Hino! I love your work so much :]View attachment 1910000
Pokémon Ecchi Version - 7/5/2022 Update
Download here:You must be registered to see the links( 199.12 MB )
A lot of people did not get the 4/25 patch, so I will include its patch notes first. This update primary focuses on finishing up Greyfield City and Silph Co.
- Fixed a bug with the scene display handler.
- The great Dr. Wankenstein's methods have been improved!
- Dr. Wankensten has research has yielded new services.
- Included the Pokémon list, absent from last release.
- Various bug fixes.
- New illustrations for some events.
- New events.
- Electabuzz given new illustration.
- Aggron illustrated ( thanks to Cereja ).
- Houndour and Larvitar, Venusaur, Buneary, and Ralts lines illustrated ( thanks to Antares1991 ).
- Power Plant near Greyfield City is expecting power oddities.
- Greyfield City Gym is welcoming challengers.
- New Alpha Pokémon have been appearing throughout the Midara Region.