Oct 8, 2021
Thanks, but I don't really know the names of most characters, is there a list of them and all the pokemon because I'm not sure of the names

Edit: nvm, i found a list of the pokemon in the game files, still need actors tho
You can find that in the game files as well, the path is Graphics -> Pictures -> H -> then either Doggy or Overworld.


New Member
Jul 18, 2019
If you boot up in Debug Mode there is a way to play every possible overworld and doggy style scene. While in Debug Mode there is a Debug option in the options menu just above Quit Game, after you select it there are two options at the very bottom "Test Hentai Battle Handler" for all doggy style scenes and "Test Hentai Overworld Handler" for overworld scenes. When you select either it will ask you to input the names of the "Actors" you wish to see and for both it's female name first then male, the only real difference between the two is Overworld Handler boots you back to the options menu and you have to exit out of it to start the animation. Hope this helps.
ive also been messing with the debug menu a bit as a sort of gallery, but it seems like some characters don't play their animations- specifically, jamie without the hat, which is like a few others in that she's leaning against the wall.
is there anything in specific i should be typing for those types of anims or can you just not play those using the overworld handler ?
Oct 8, 2021
ive also been messing with the debug menu a bit as a sort of gallery, but it seems like some characters don't play their animations- specifically, jamie without the hat, which is like a few others in that she's leaning against the wall.
is there anything in specific i should be typing for those types of anims or can you just not play those using the overworld handler ?
I don't actually know, those are designated as 'Wall' animations and I haven't been able to get any of them to work. And believe me I've tried.


New Member
Mar 10, 2021
If you boot up in Debug Mode there is a way to play every possible overworld and doggy style scene. While in Debug Mode there is a Debug option in the options menu just above Quit Game, after you select it there are two options at the very bottom "Test Hentai Battle Handler" for all doggy style scenes and "Test Hentai Overworld Handler" for overworld scenes. When you select either it will ask you to input the names of the "Actors" you wish to see and for both it's female name first then male, the only real difference between the two is Overworld Handler boots you back to the options menu and you have to exit out of it to start the animation. Hope this helps.
sorry to bother you again, but i have noticed there are also events e.g with zapdos, poochyena and eevee. the pictures are in graphics > pictures > H > events. Using their names, I tried with the pokemon which have scenes mentioned in the folder with doggy and overworld tester with allie, and it doesnt work with either.
Oct 8, 2021
sorry to bother you again, but i have noticed there are also events e.g with zapdos, poochyena and eevee. the pictures are in graphics > pictures > H > events. Using their names, I tried with the pokemon which have scenes mentioned in the folder with doggy and overworld tester with allie, and it doesnt work with either.
There is no test player for events as of this version as far as I am aware, a few of them are at least repeatable like the Aggron and Poochyena events. I am unfortunately not aware of how all of them are triggered since I've yet to finish everything from this last update.


Sep 24, 2017
dose anyone know how do i evolve lucario? and evee to espeon
Lucario is already the max evolved form.

For Espeon, it needs to level up on day time while it has 220 Happiness points. (It's a hidden stat that can be raised by using the Eevee in battles frequently, using items on it that increases it happiness, and making it hold a Soothe Bell).


New Member
Aug 8, 2022
Lucario is already the max evolved form.

For Espeon, it needs to level up on day time while it has 220 Happiness points. (It's a hidden stat that can be raised by using the Eevee in battles frequently, using items on it that increases it happiness, and making it hold a Soothe Bell).
Sooothe bell? where do i get that?
Nov 29, 2020
I am unfortunately not aware of how all of them are triggered since I've yet to finish everything from this last update.
Some illustrations don't have associated Events, yet.

For Espeon, it needs to level up on day time while it has 220 Happiness points. (It's a hidden stat that can be raised by using the Eevee in battles frequently, using items on it that increases it happiness, and making it hold a Soothe Bell).
Sooothe bell? where do i get that?
Or just take him to bed. Each orgasm is +10 Happiness, until 200. After, it's +4. Same for letting him 'take advantage' (orgasms don't count in this instance) and the overworld animations. Level up is +5 and +2 respectively.
Once he's evolved take him back to the original Trainer.
Remember there's a Move Relearner in Ashwood, so you won't lose out on Moves if it takes a while to evolve him. Heart Scales can be found while mining in Limestone Cave and 1/day from the Breeder in Aster.


Jun 10, 2017
I'm gonna be honest, I didn't even know this game was still being worked on, after seeing the last available version (for me) on Hentai-Foundry I thought this project was abandoned. I'm so very happy to see it's still going to this day!
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New Member
Oct 22, 2021
This game is amazing my favorite pokemon fangame 10/10. Only problem I have is I'm not sure why I have to dress up the PC for certain events but otherwise great.


Jan 9, 2019
Since I've unpacked the game and examined it, I can elucidate on some of the stuff that you can do:

Aster Town:

1) If you talk to the girl in the northwest house after going right coming into town, she has an eevee. If you talk to her naked after getting the first badge, she'll suggest calming the eevee down by having sex with it. If you do, she gives you the eevee. If you come back later after evolving the eevee, the eevee will force her down and have sex with her, at which point they will become girlfriend and boyfriend.

2) If you go to the west immediately after coming into town, there's a big house. Inside, you can have give a blowjob to the pokemon breeder trainer type guy. He'll give you a lucky egg for the first time, then a heart scale for times after. If you go there on a Tuesday, he'll be fucking another trainer for freebies, instead of being available. The other trainer is the girlfriend of the guy in the pokemon center.

3) After you get the Floral Badge and defeat Team Spirit in Kindling Woods, you get a mission here to rescue a kid. Inside Kindling Woods to the north, if you're defeated by the Hypno, the Hypno uses hypnosis to turn you into a slut and gangbangs you with a bunch of Drowzees. You can repeat this mission.

Kindling Woods:

*NOTE: None of this stuff can be done while Forrester is in your party. It is advised that you clear Kindling Woods without Forrester, and then get him after, if you want to see the content.

1) If you talk to the second bug catcher you encounter while naked, and your lust meter is high, he'll suggest that you have sex with him. You can repeat this when you're horny enough.

2) If you talk to the Team Spirit grunt near the entrance to the Pikachu grove while naked after you beat him, he'll joke that you should bang him. You can do so once. He disappears after you beat Team Spirit.

3) You can rape the Team Spirit Grunts F. if and only if you beat them without Forrester in the party.

4) If you lose to the Team Spirit Grunt in the basement of their base, he'll rape you while Forrester watches.

5) After you beat them, go back to the base and check the rooms for CCTV stuff you can check out.

Ashwood City:

1) If you do enough quests for Ashwood City, Forrester will offer to become your boyfriend. If you agree, you can have sex with him for two different scenes.

2) If you talk to the old man in the northeast between two buildings while naked, he'll have sex with you for money. You can repeat this when a REAL DAY passes.

3) If you go into one of the houses while naked, you get accosted by a kid. He asks you two questions. You have to agree to being a slut and say you're not leaving. If you do that, he and his brother will rape you. You can redo this (I think) when a REAL DAY passes.

4) If you go into the item shop naked and talk to the guy, he'll offer to have sex with you and his Poochyena, and give you a discount for it. You can repeat this any time you're naked.

5) If you have sex with a pokemon in the pokemon center right bed upstairs, you have the option of inviting the guy upstairs to join in. He eventually becomes able to have sex with you again when time passes.

6) You can get a one-time Pikachu quest that takes you to a grotto mid-west in Kindling Woods. Your options are to beat the Pikachu, try to win and lose (thus getting raped by it), or entice it to let you jerk it off. It joins you if you jerk it off or catch it.

Clover Town:

1) If you change into and out of a towel in the bottomost racks in front of the baths guy about three times, he'll rape you while claiming "this isn't violated heroine."

2) If you talk to a lady in a house, you can trade one of your pokemon to fuck her ninetales while she has sex with yours. This counts as a trade, meaning you can evolve pokemon with it that need to be traded to evolve, like Scyther, Machoke, etc. You can do this once per REAL DAY. This also increases friendship with the pokemon that you allow to do it, like grooming in the old games.

3) This isn't a sex scene, but the fucking dev hid a Moonstone in the stone out in the open at the bath. Christ, I was looking for one for forever.

Cliffshore City:

1) If you go into Team Spirit's adult bookstore, you have the option of doing a photoshoot if you've done enough prostitution stuff. You pretend to be Flannery and fuck a Charizard. This is repeatable.

2) Also in Team Spirit's bookstore, if you go down to the bottom level and go into the middle booth, check the left and right walls in the middle of them to do a gloryhole area. Nothing special, repeatable for free whoring.

3) In the bottom of the department store by going down the elevator, you can find a sailor that will offer to have sex with you if you're naked for money. You can repeat this every REAL DAY that passes.

4) On the Smeagol quest, if you try to flirt with the Smeagol in the basement while confronting it, you can have sex with it and also obtain it later.

5) After you rescue the girl on the same quest, you can find a CCTV recording in the building of the events that transpired.

6) You flash the flash master for the Flash HM. Not much to this.

Argent City:

1) If you talk to the hiker in the west with a flirt, he offers you money to have sex with him. You can repeat this every REAL DAY that passes.

2) If you go to the pokemon center, the fake pokemon rep offers to have sex with your pokemon. If you do this without enough cash to cover the expenditure, she calls the guards of the city who arrest you and then rape you repeatedly. You're broken out as a part of an unfinished quest chain which occurs for this. You're stuck in the cell for a specific amount of real time/steps. This is intended.

Kindling Woods (North):

1) If you talk to Jamie, you can convince her to get nude like you are, if you're naked, by turning around and talking to her while she's behind you. After this, talk to the bug catcher in the northwest. You'll both have sex with him for one time per game.

2) If you lose to Cognac, you both get raped by him and the Team Spirit Grunt.

3) When you have to go get the special plants, you encounter two Breloom fighting. You can solve the fight by you and Jamie having sex with them, upon which the Breloom joins you.


That's all at the moment.

There's really not that much content for the size of the available areas, though there's lots of empty and unfinished parts of the existing areas, so it's likely that more content can/will be added.

I'd like to see if the maker is willing to let people perhaps add onto existing content like the Violated Heroine project, as that would require knowing how the maker sets up their RPG Maker XP format, because while you can load maps after creating a project file, you can't load database or scripts, and all of the essential triggers are script-based.

Also, there's some sort of Forrester 3P thing, but I'm not sure it's actually in game, yet. The only place I haven't checked is to see if it's something activated while you're teaming up with Forrester in Kindling Woods before beating Team Spirit. I didn't know you could talk to party members until I met Jamie.

EDIT: I found the Forrester 3P thing. It's being worked on in a testing area which is not active ATM.

Also, the stuff being worked on in the testing area seems to be cold stuff and slip/slide, so I'm guessing one of the next updates will probably be Ice Gym/city combination .
2022 this is still usefull as hell
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