
New Member
Jul 30, 2022
is there a way to evolve a machoke in this game?
I haven't gotten there myself, but in one of the cities, there's apparently a girl with a Ninetails, and if you talk to her, the player will fuck Ninetails, and your pokemon will fuck her. That's how you do trade evolutions.
Oct 8, 2021
What exactly does having sex with your pokemon do? and also why does the animation change sometimes?
Pretty sure the only in game benefit is raising the Pokemon in questions friendship stat, so the only one it really has any benefit for is Eevee since it's the only one with a friendship evolution that isn't already fully evolved like Lucario.

As for the animations you're going to have to be a bit more specific.


New Member
Sep 13, 2022
any possible fixes for this error? Only happens when I try to take advantage of a trainer after they lost, strangely this only happens when Allie tries to fuck, my Pokemon can screw the trainer fine. Other strange part is that this error started to happen after I got the fire type gym badge. bandicam 2022-09-13 12-28-46-974.jpg
Sep 10, 2022
Pretty sure the only in game benefit is raising the Pokemon in questions friendship stat, so the only one it really has any benefit for is Eevee since it's the only one with a friendship evolution that isn't already fully evolved like Lucario.

As for the animations you're going to have to be a bit more specific.
Every now and then i will get a different animation that is normal for my quilava. if i get the animation again ill show you
Oct 8, 2021
Every now and then i will get a different animation that is normal for my quilava. if i get the animation again ill show you
Oh that, your starter is just given special animations other Pokemon don't have. Don't know why, maybe Typhlosion's line is just a favorite of Hinorashi.


New Member
Aug 7, 2022
I am fine with a girl getting fucked by pokemon but as soon as I hear a boy fucking pokemon, I cringe. Is it just me?
I think it mostly depends on what pokemon it is, like a pokemon doing it a girl, it mostly depends on the Pokemon. For male mons, most four-legged AND two-legged pokemon, mostly with more masculine characteristics would work, but its a bit different for females.
The female mons, in most cases, need to have more feminine characteristics, but even then it doesn't work for some people. Maybe it has something to do with our psyche.


New Member
Aug 7, 2022
This game is great as a Pokemon game, now that IK a male protag is planned I will keep that point aside, but I think we should get at least new positions for some pokemon, not just almost every pokemon having doggystyle.
We can have Cowgirl-ish (I think its actually called face-off) for some of the bigger mons, mostly the ones who are shown doing MC that way in overworld, like Aggron, Charizard, Flygon, (We got one for Typhlosion), Tyranitar etc.
For some pokemon we can just have some of the stronger two-legged pokemon like Nidoking, Machoke & Machamp would do a standing position where the back of the female faces the chest of male and the male lifts her from her hips...thats the best short description I can give.
For some other pokemon, both 4 & 2 legged, a missionary-type position would be good.
I think the variety would help make it not repetitive, and its ok if majority of them will be doggystyle, but some variety more is definitely needed.
I just gave my suggestions.


New Member
Sep 8, 2022
every time i start the game, whether it be where I last saved in Argent Town, or if I try to go to the Rescue area, I always get the same crash error about 1 second into the map loading, not sure how to fix this but any help would be appreciated 1663625108529.png


New Member
Sep 20, 2022
View attachment 1910000

Pokémon Ecchi Version - 7/5/2022 Update

Download here: ( 199.12 MB )

A lot of people did not get the 4/25 patch, so I will include its patch notes first. This update primary focuses on finishing up Greyfield City and Silph Co.

- Fixed a bug with the scene display handler.
- The great Dr. Wankenstein's methods have been improved!
- Dr. Wankensten has research has yielded new services.
- Included the Pokémon list, absent from last release.
- Various bug fixes.
- New illustrations for some events.
- New events.
- Electabuzz given new illustration.
- Aggron illustrated ( thanks to Cereja ).
- Houndour and Larvitar, Venusaur, Buneary, and Ralts lines illustrated ( thanks to Antares1991 ).
- Power Plant near Greyfield City is expecting power oddities.
- Greyfield City Gym is welcoming challengers.
- New Alpha Pokémon have been appearing throughout the Midara Region.
Can it run on PC?
4.10 star(s) 47 Votes