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Pokémon Ecchi Version - 7/5/2022 Update
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A lot of people did not get the 4/25 patch, so I will include its patch notes first. This update primary focuses on finishing up Greyfield City and Silph Co.
- Fixed a bug with the scene display handler.
- The great Dr. Wankenstein's methods have been improved!
- Dr. Wankensten has research has yielded new services.
- Included the Pokémon list, absent from last release.
- Various bug fixes.
- New illustrations for some events.
- New events.
- Electabuzz given new illustration.
- Aggron illustrated ( thanks to Cereja ).
- Houndour and Larvitar, Venusaur, Buneary, and Ralts lines illustrated ( thanks to Antares1991 ).
- Power Plant near Greyfield City is expecting power oddities.
- Greyfield City Gym is welcoming challengers.
- New Alpha Pokémon have been appearing throughout the Midara Region.