This game is great as a Pokemon game, now that IK a male protag is planned I will keep that point aside, but I think we should get at least new positions for some pokemon, not just almost every pokemon having doggystyle.
We can have Cowgirl-ish (I think its actually called face-off) for some of the bigger mons, mostly the ones who are shown doing MC that way in overworld, like Aggron, Charizard, Flygon, (We got one for Typhlosion), Tyranitar etc.
For some pokemon we can just have some of the stronger two-legged pokemon like Nidoking, Machoke & Machamp would do a standing position where the back of the female faces the chest of male and the male lifts her from her hips...thats the best short description I can give.
For some other pokemon, both 4 & 2 legged, a missionary-type position would be good.
I think the variety would help make it not repetitive, and its ok if majority of them will be doggystyle, but some variety more is definitely needed.
I just gave my suggestions.