I use@Nerro Alt+Enter does not work for me.
Do you mean evolution by forms? it depends some have 2 evolutions, some have 1, some have 0 and some pokemons like Eevee can evolve into many differents pokemonI want to be honest now...this is my very first pokemon game (ever, i'm not only talking about the ones with sex in it^^) i have ever played. Yeah as a kid i watched the TV show a little but i never was a big fan of it. The game is good enough for me to waste some time with lvling up so i guess i like it. It's nothing super hot, animations are super simple but it has some charme and offers more than most VNs.
Someone already figured out how many different forms each pokemon can have? I assume 3 in total for each one but i'm a noob if it comes to pokemon. X3
They have a base in the southwestern part of the forest where they kidnap and rape women. You'll need forester (blue-hair dude who tags along with you at the forest entrance) in order to get there, cause he has access to HM1 cutWhat should i do in the forest, i feel like im walking forever and cant find anything related to what Team Spirit is doing