New glitch found.
When talking to the route 14 guy (name slips my mind), you do the deed and progress as normal, however, if you try this immediately after the game gets confused trying to find the right animation placing the player as invisible. This can be undone if you do it again while invisible, things should be "normal" at least by glitch standards. From what I could test, this isn't permanent to your save and at most you can "fix" this should you encounter it by merely going to the dressing room, dressing, undressing, and dressing once again to reset everything as it were.
Do note however, some events may be affected by this new update so proceed with caution and save before interacting. An anecdotal error on my end was with the voyeur in Ashwood, tried it with Hypno and it crashed.
You can build lust by getting slapped or grooped by various NPCs to permit mobile dongle with your Pokemon (if they can do so in the overworld, check the graphics H folder).
I have a recommendation to help avoid a good number of these problems with Pokemon Essentials... however. It involves using a different toolkit that may be worth looking into for less glitches and more stability: MK Starter Kit. Here's their twitter: https ://twitter com/MKStarterKit (split the link as this is the first time I've done this. Another project I follow has used this to allow for much more detail and less bugs (at least by Essentials standards) and from what I hear, leagues less lag and stutter.
If screenshots are needed, do not hesitate to ask, once done I might review this thing in full (elsewhere).