
Dec 20, 2023
are there any scenes with sparkle at all? I think I've already found all the scenes with rainbow dash, and this stupid purple thing stands in the living room during the day, looks at the sky at night, I went for a walk with it, there is one scene, I cooked some liquid, is there anything else or who is that all? where should I click so that the game gives out content


Dec 13, 2019
I went for a walk with it, there is one scene, I cooked some liquid, is there anything else or who is that all?
"We went for a walk, I cooked some liquid (what?), and they still won't fuck me?! This game is BS!"
Did you try reading what the characters said? It's been a while since I played that route, but I remember the actions being extremely obvious and explicitly stated to the player.


Dec 20, 2023
"We went for a walk, I cooked some liquid (what?), and they still won't fuck me?! This game is BS!"
Did you try reading what the characters said? It's been a while since I played that route, but I remember the actions being extremely obvious and explicitly stated to the player.
???? liquid for Portal (which I got by doing stupid alchemy), during the day in the hall in her castle, when you click on it, she says that the comet is about to arrive, there is an option "just hello" and "I wanted to chat" after the chat the standard message "you have become closer", at night she sits on the balcony and looks through a telescope with the only answer "just to say hello" and that's it!


Engaged Member
Apr 7, 2020
???? liquid for Portal (which I got by doing stupid alchemy), during the day in the hall in her castle, when you click on it, she says that the comet is about to arrive, there is an option "just hello" and "I wanted to chat" after the chat the standard message "you have become closer", at night she sits on the balcony and looks through a telescope with the only answer "just to say hello" and that's it!
This game locks you a lot with bugs. I wouldn't assume. I, myself, had to just drop it at a certain point, despited i really liked it.
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Sep 17, 2021
Pony Waifu Sim Update - Late August (Almost there!)
The Blue Fast finale - Cloud Workout is almost here!
This is a short update to let you know that we are crunching hard to get this update out and our current target is before 11:59PM PST September 7th.
We just need this last week to finish tying everything together, adding the necessary polish, updating localization, and testing the release thoroughly.
The animations are being prepared for export right at this moment, this update is finally coming!
Thank you all so much for sticking with us through thick and thin, see you all after release!


Pony-Waifu-Sim-Update – Ende August (Fast geschafft!)
Das Blue Fast-Finale – Cloud Workout steht vor der Tür!
Dies ist ein kurzes Update, um Sie darüber zu informieren, dass wir hart daran arbeiten, dieses Update rauszuschicken, und dass unser aktuelles Ziel darin besteht, es vor dem 7. September um 23:59 Uhr (PST) fertigzustellen .
Wir brauchen diese letzte Woche nur noch, um alles fertig zusammenzuführen, den nötigen Feinschliff zu geben, die Lokalisierung zu aktualisieren und die Version gründlich zu testen.
Die Animationen werden gerade für den Export vorbereitet, dieses Update kommt endlich!
Vielen Dank an alle, die durch dick und dünn zu uns gehalten haben. Wir sehen uns alle nach der Veröffentlichung!
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Jun 20, 2017
Hi good morning, forgive me for bothering you but does anyone know what to do after sex in Twilight's bedroom? Because it seems like it ends after I make the burgers for her and we go to the bedroom.


Conversation Conqueror
Jun 21, 2018
any actual fucking in the game? I kinda want to play a mlp game that has "realistic" proportions since Friendship with Benefits goes the more human route
Sep 17, 2021

Weniger anzeigen
This update brings you all the stunning climax of the Blue Fast story arc.
Will you finally achieve what no one else could?
Will you finally cum inside Blue Fast?
To start the final date, simply spend the night in your bed.
Remember, you can hide the UI with 'H,' right-click, or tap with two fingers. You can double-tap or double-click to bring it back.
Other improvements:
  • Input System Upgrade - Using books should be significantly easier on mobile. Simply tap and hold on a book in your inventory or tap with three fingers while holding a book to read it.
  • Many older sprites and animations have been upgraded to 4k!
  • 6 new songs from the ever-awesome !
Known issues:
  • We were not able to finish implementing the minigames in time, so they will be added to the next release.
  • The items obtained in this update don't yet have a use, we plan on adding a use for them shortly.
  • You currently cannot go back to explore Blue Fast's house, this will be added in the next update.
  • This update is not currently in the memory mirror, but will be soon.
  • The window is being a bit finicky and not breaking when it should.
Links to the latest build:

Windows 32bit - Coming Soon
[Mac OSX] - Coming Soon

[Android] - Coming Soon
Soundtrack - Coming Soon

Links to the latest build:

(You may need to use a 3rd-party program like The Unarchiver to extract it.)


Weniger anzeigen
Es ist ENDLICH DA!!!
Dieses Update bietet Ihnen alle atemberaubenden Höhepunkte des Handlungsbogens von Blue Fast.
Werden Sie endlich erreichen, was niemand sonst konnte?
Wirst du endlich in Blue Fast kommen?
Um mit dem letzten Date zu beginnen, verbringe einfach die Nacht in deinem Bett.
Denken Sie daran, dass Sie die Benutzeroberfläche mit „H“, einem Rechtsklick oder einem Fingertipp ausblenden können. Sie können sie durch Doppeltippen oder Doppelklicken wieder einblenden.
Weitere Verbesserungen:
  • Upgrade des Eingabesystems – Die Verwendung von Büchern sollte auf Mobilgeräten deutlich einfacher sein. Tippen Sie einfach auf ein Buch in Ihrem Inventar und halten Sie es gedrückt, oder tippen Sie mit drei Fingern, während Sie ein Buch halten, um es zu lesen.
  • Viele ältere Sprites und Animationen wurden auf 4k aktualisiert!
  • 6 neue Songs von der immer großartigen !
Bekannte Probleme:
  • Wir konnten die Implementierung der Minispiele nicht rechtzeitig abschließen, daher werden sie der nächsten Version hinzugefügt.
  • Für die mit diesem Update erhaltenen Gegenstände gibt es noch keine Verwendung. Wir planen, in Kürze eine Verwendung für sie hinzuzufügen.
  • Sie können derzeit nicht zurückgehen, um Blue Fasts Haus zu erkunden. Dies wird im nächsten Update hinzugefügt.
  • Dieses Update befindet sich derzeit nicht im Speicherspiegel, wird es aber bald sein.
  • Das Fenster ist etwas empfindlich und geht nicht kaputt, wenn es sollte.
Links zum neuesten Build:

Windows 32bit – in Kürze verfügbar
[ Mac OSX ] - Demnächst verfügbar

[ Android ] – In Kürze verfügbar
Vergessen Sie auch nicht, sich den aktualisierten Soundtrack anzuhören - in Kürze verfügbar

Links to the latest build:

(You may need to use a 3rd-party program like The Unarchiver to extract it.)

Last edited:


Mar 20, 2019
OK, came back after a couple years. Glad to see its still going. But I saw the futa/trans tag, so I am compelled to ask, is it avoidable/optional?
4.10 star(s) 22 Votes