Ok but, like, there is a major issue when people frame NTR on those lenses which is based on the fact that the women in NTR, and this game is a perfect example of that, don't cheat on their significant others voluntarily 9 times out of 10.
There is a matter of coercion from the NTRer's part usually involved, drugs, blackmail, kidnapping, the usual shit we can also see here, that completely removes whatever argument about those women's "sexual liberation," by the simple fact that, like... they aren't exactly willingly part of this conversation? They are victims of sexual assault, simulated one in a non real story yes (thus making it a fetish rather than actual SA), but from a Watsonian analysis of the story the female characters are victims here and judging them for it would be kinda shitty.
Of course from a Doylist analysis they are sexual objects for the viewer to consume of course, so then we can do the discussion about the way there is a weird incel undercurrent between some fans of either genres, or how much like a Slasher movie those women are being "punished" for their beauty, or the male character is being punished for his naivety.
Like, most people don't read Metamorphosis and blame the girl for what happens to her, but at the same time why would anyone play this game, where women are drugged into sexual codependence with an abuser in bad endings, and act as if they are nothing but victims here?