Well the good news is that the dev should be getting really close to finishing Ch.12 so with I want to ask everyone their theories on what you think is gonna happen? Any new theories on any character so far
I wouldn’t mind if Drew starts collaborating with Sterling, judging by her/his appearance, I won’t say that Drew looks like a hard sexist compared to Hunter... I haven’t started episode 11 yet, but so far I haven’t noticed anything harsh from Drew except for one thing NTR with Tiff, but I was a little surprised when I found out that Sterling's father had a relationship with Drew
If Drew was still closer to Sterling's father, then somehow in the future an update or someday should somehow help Mc... but not sexually, but still I don't know what to expect...Maybe Drew wants to make amends for what he did with together Hunter in the past, although we'll see how the story turns out))))