I saw this porn once, well a few times actually, where this guy is giving his (pretend) sister laying on the bed in a towel a massage. He is leaning into her an oppps he slips inside of her
(paraphrased the story of course). And she is like WTF and he is like oohh sorry slipped and she is like well, ahhh and they of course continue on and enjoy each other.
Which leads to why I brought this up. I am reallllly hoping that happens with Brenna. Doing a nice little shave in the bathroom and ooppps
sorry Brenna my dick it just slipped right in. Of course in his mind he would be thinking, "Of course it did since she was soaking wet"
. And Brenna would be thinking "Ahhhhhh his cock feels so good, so much better then my toys I don't want him to stop".