Finished playing through 0.6, and have enjoyed what I played. Really hoping to clean the old man's clock something fierce, and the same goes with Kevin. Mallory needs to learn some manners though, but unlikely, as she is the narcissist type. She went from almost 22-23 years of fat-shaming Aliza (Started around the time of Brenna's birth), then switched to wanting to find the person who was with...but no apology to Alize, just more about herself. Always was my least fav of the females, that and her racist behavior drops her off the radar completely. The MC called her on it as well. Kinda curious to see how the MC will learn to reel himself in, as he has to realize he is slowly losing control over himself, and his urges, especially around certain people. Agreed that his bod bulking is likely an effect of whatever is in the stuff 'pops is spiking the food and drink with. Curious to see what the next chapter brings.