Sorry if the question sounds boomer, but what do you mean by "the meta"?
Imagine being made by your evil patriarchal grandfather into the perfect image of the male conquering pater familias, the Adonis the Warrior Mars Made Flesh the quintessential PREDATOR, sculpted and shaped to fulfil his twisted vision of the world and of what makes a man a man, and you meet your alternate universe self where the opposite happened and you were instead abused and drugged into becoming PREY, weaker and subservient, groomed into servitude and horror? Venus in chains Andromeda on her rock waiting to be devoured for the sins and whims of lesser men?
Now imagine the two of you fuck, the two ends of the spectrum, the most stereotypical man with the most stereotypical woman, and you are both two halves of the same whole, the same two beings, the same soul and body, Adam and Eve, Cain, the first violator, and Abel, the first violated?
Like, the layers of symbolism such a scene would ensue, within the setting of the game and its themes, the way it could be used to REFUTE Hunter's twisted and sick vision of the world, with Starling taking control of her own destiny and taking the reins of her future after meeting her other self, with Sterling respecting and understanding the trauma her very existence must have brought her not as a conqueror or as a protector but as a partner and friend, as a brother in some way-
Starling coming back to her own world and using a "woman's weapon" rather than the old attempt at a violent outburst, poison in the food of her abusive lover, food she is forced to bring him as his maid, and therefore lower class than him, Sterling understanding how his position is but luck and not preordained destiny, how things could have gone much worse for him if he wasn't as lucky as he was, and gaining a newfound appreciation for his family and friends.
Like, we missed peak, is all I am saying.