The one thing to remember with Hunter is he doesnt get Rape scenes, its NTR bad endings so humour based or not i think they are all ones with consent. Eve is a slut who takes on anyone but of course hes too much for her and she never comes back leaving the story for good hence bad ending. Mallory did it as a revenge against Azela angle as he said it would piss her off no end but of course when she sees this she finds it hilarious and the MC dies falling down the stairs to get away and Azela was blind drunk and vulnerable to finally for first time really getting attention and affection from her father (naturally on seeing this the MC accidentally suicides again causing bad ending).
Till were at a feasible avenue where the others would give consent after all the drugs and corruption then we wont get a full sex scene with any of the family, MC progress or not. Brenna was bursting with Lust so of course Gramps took advantage as MC didnt follow instead but was NOT into idea of being penetrated hence the scene ended there, The mom scene ended of course with Catherine killing everyone in sight in a holy baptism of fire, she herself was completely out of her mind in her scene so there was no penetration for her in that one either. The Dev likes to keep things grounded in humour and anything beyond too far fetched to be taken seriously means the game would take a very dark turn from its roots so it teases NTR fans, builds a story around stopping it but will never go full on Hunter rapes the girls i dont think... hes managed to avoid that so far and its no coincidence im sure that this is the case. They are bad endings, not canon ones, that is all they were intended to be (unless they flashbacks provide us with a very dark prologue to current events but we shall see next month after the update lands).