If you do away with him, how do still have scenes with him in bad ends? can't have a dead / gone character come back just for bad ends.
no, if you turn it off. you won't even see them. i play with it on, but i assumed that if you played off, the choices don't even appear. it just goes straight to canon path.
You are correct that if you play with NTR-off, the bad end choices do not even appear and right now hunter just shows up at the end of each update to get foiled by the MC/the girls.
So really, you don't need to change much at all, just add a skip to Hunter's events at the end of the chapter if you have NTR-off.
If you really want a story explanation, if you have NTR-off, instead of hunter's scene, you could easily say he's off visiting "his Son's new family" aka going to seduce his son's new family while leaving MC to the girls for now.
I just assume he’s absent because Sterling is making things hard for him and he needs time to scheme. Once he has his plan in place Sterling still has to go along because Hunter is still controlling the purse strings. I also think Hunter adds a lot of comic relief when he gets foiled by Sterling. The scene where he gets the oil all over him is hilarious. Not as funny as Catherine burning down the house, but still really funny.
I will give it to you that there is comedy to be had with foiling Hunter in his end of chapter shenanigans, but honestly, you get some of the best comedy from the girls, hell I'll trade a funny Catherine scene for a hunter scene any day of the week.
So with how little Hunter shows up in the NTR-off story, I can see an argument to be made for keeping him/his appearance outside of mentions to the NTR-on fans only.
But my hate of Hunter scenes aside, this update's humor was fucking hilarious, I cannot wait til Amber's mom tries to seduce the MC... Now THAT is some NTR I can understand.
(Good natured joke, I swear!)