Hello, Dumb question for new Linux user: Impossible to start the game
I've tested the version and also the compressed one.
I'm on Liunx (Ubuntu 20.4)
The Win/Linux version display a message: "This program requires Windows Vista or Greater to run." and stops.
The Power-Vaccum.exe and Power-Vaccum.exe do the same.
The Compressed Linux version don't have exe files but only a .sh and .py files.
Can someone help me ? (I'm sure it's a dumb little thing, but i'm a new linux user)
Yep, you are still trapped in your Windows world trying to run an Windows ".exe" on Linux. You don't need that.
1. On Linux you use the ".sh" (shell script) file to launch an application.
2. Always check "lib" folder for: linux-i686 and linux-x86_64 folders. => If your Linux OS is 32bit the game will use linux-i686 libraries to run the game. In case of a 64bit system the other libraries.
3. Inside these folders is the game's executable file named exactly the same as the ".sh" (shell script). In some cases you need to give execute permission to the file to be able to launch it. (Right click on the file -> Properties -> Tab "Permissions" -> Set mark to "Allow executing file as program")
4. Set execute permission to "game.sh" as well.
5. Launch the game via game.sh file. -> Enjoy.
Note: In case the game won't launch and your text editor pop-ups change the settings how your system should handle shell script files. For that go to "Preferences" -> Tab "Behaviour" -> Set mark to "Ask what to do".
Most important: Don't play the test version and wait until the final version is available.
P.s: If you want to learn more about Linux and how to play games on a Linux system you should check out the links in my signature.