
Message Maven
Apr 26, 2020
I'm starting to understand what the fuss is about.
I normally wanted to see people's thoughts about the NTR.

But what I found is disappointing. The game, since it came out it had the tag of NTR.
When events of NTR were to happen it would have been stopped by the robot. Believe it or not but that is a bad thing. Since it removes all danger that it should happen...

NTR without NTR makes no sense, now that it actually has NTR it is balanced. But some cry babies forgot that this game has a NTR tag. And cries about it.

I actually felt pretty exited seeing the NTR that was blocked and I want to see the past NTR's as well as the future's NTRs.

But if these cry babies keep this up there might not be such a development.
The NTR is toggable on/off in the game and the dev is releasing what if's with NTR, what more do you want?
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Engaged Member
Game Developer
Aug 30, 2017
I'm starting to understand what the fuss is about.
I normally wanted to see people's thoughts about the NTR.

But what I found is disappointing. The game, since it came out it had the tag of NTR.
When events of NTR were to happen it would have been stopped by the robot. Believe it or not but that is a bad thing. Since it removes all danger that it should happen...

NTR without NTR makes no sense, now that it actually has NTR it is balanced. But some cry babies forgot that this game has a NTR tag. And cries about it.

I actually felt pretty exited seeing the NTR that was blocked and I want to see the past NTR's as well as the future's NTRs.

But if these cry babies keep this up there might not be such a development.
You don't have to worry about that. The what ifs are very successful. Why stop making them when the people who ARE supporting him on patreon are actually praising them. What people say here shouldn't matter to him.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2017
When events of NTR were to happen it would have been stopped by the robot. Believe it or not but that is a bad thing. Since it removes all danger that it should happen...
But it doesn't remove the danger that it could happen, which is what the game is about. What you want is what killed a lot of games. Just porn with no story. Once Hunter wins, there's no more story since stopping him is what drives the story. The What Ifs are not part of the main story. Yes, now they are just continuations of existing storylines, but I'm sure, once we're on a roll, we'll get outlandish What Ifs that don't fit in the story.
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Dec 23, 2020
I'm starting to understand what the fuss is about.
I normally wanted to see people's thoughts about the NTR.

But what I found is disappointing. The game, since it came out it had the tag of NTR.
When events of NTR were to happen it would have been stopped by the robot. Believe it or not but that is a bad thing. Since it removes all danger that it should happen...

NTR without NTR makes no sense, now that it actually has NTR it is balanced. But some cry babies forgot that this game has a NTR tag. And cries about it.

I actually felt pretty exited seeing the NTR that was blocked and I want to see the past NTR's as well as the future's NTRs.

But if these cry babies keep this up there might not be such a development.
If I'm understanding your post, then your issue is with the zero consequences/risk (NTR) of this game. If you choose the wrong thing then you want to live with the consequences. This isn't a new argument and I myself have argued this point in the past. I thought the game would've been better if the MC would compete for the girls with the old man, but instead, the author puts his thumb on the scale and forces a good/positive outcome. Which to me just makes the game a little boring if not predictable (still an enjoyable game though). The main argument is I've heard is that having an "NTR" game and a "Harem" game simultaneously being produced is simply too much work for any game developer. So this is the best compromise.


Sep 14, 2016
your gonna have to explain this one to me champ.
How can something be delayed by not doing something he wasn't doing anyway?
Its like saying a building got delayed because they are only working on it during work hours. Those are the working hours, and the schedule is set. A game can only be delayed if:
1. It falls behind that schedule.
2. It gets completed and then held onto past that schedule.

To each their own I guess, but no way on earth am I going to call a game delayed because someone didn't spend 24/7 on it so technically he could have put into the project than he currently is.
All he's saying is, if the devs didn't spend time on what ifs, he/she/they could have release the game earlier, near the start of oct, rather than the upcoming. Theoretically, it isn't delayed, nor is it released either.

this probably isnt happening, but will use these made up times because its easier time wise to bs this whole thing.
Say he spends 12hrs a day making PV, fine, thats the time he sets aside and we all wait for the update right?
now he goes on to making what if?'s, when you say delayed you make it sound like he has taken, idk, 2hrs out of that day to work on what if?'s. maybe he has, idk.
From my experience with game development (and design seperately), other devs and what i've seen about his upload speed and it coming out this month, its not the case, whats actually happening is hes working 14hrs a day, with just less free time.
The game was never delayed for what if's. If it gets delayed, it will be because of something irl or the game itself fucking up.
:FacePalm:I'm done having to explain myself, you're just taking a few things i say here and there and exacerbating the issue. You totally missed the point to begin with and any further discussion is a waste of time at this point.
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Sep 14, 2016
You don't have to worry about that. The what ifs are very successful. Why stop making them when the people who ARE supporting him on patreon are actually praising them. What people say here shouldn't matter to him.
It really depends on the developer tho, I've actually gotten dm from one of the devs of another game msging me for the review I did on his game. This might be a pirating site, but it's also a feedback site in a sort of way, I wouldn't be a surprise if some devs do come by to read some comments too.
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Nov 4, 2020
:FacePalm:I'm done having to explain myself, you're just taking a few things i say here and there and exacerbating the issue. You totally missed the point to begin with and any further discussion is a waste of time at this point.
I am sorry you feel that way, I was choosing the main point I felt you were trying to make, because some stuff I didnt feel really needed me to reply on, such as:
"And not only that! Your attempt to ridicule a random person who was JOKINGLY making light of this matter just to raise some awareness, incredible. Right on dude! You've got me good sir! Hats off to you."
Like, why do I need to keep that in the quote? Id rather get to the meat of what was being asked and reply to that. I wouldn't say I exacerbated the issue, merely tried to explain it in a way I understood.

All he's saying is, if the devs didn't spend time on what ifs, he/she/they could have release the game earlier, near the start of oct, rather than the upcoming. Theoretically, it isn't delayed, nor is it released either.
That would make sense, but in the quote you didn't like, I gave an alternative, where instead of taking time from game development, he simply took it out of his free time. In that Alternative, the game would be released at the exact same time.
If WWG was taking time away from PV to work on WI then I'd get it and honestly to some level Id agree to what your saying. But experience and other Dev comments lead me to believe that isn't the case.

I hope that clarifies things a little, if not, then, even if you think it will be a waste of time, I will happily keep talking about it with you until we either agree or end choosing not to do so.
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Heavy Sleeper

Active Member
May 10, 2020
It really depends on the developer tho, I've actually gotten dm from one of the devs of another game msging me for the review I did on his game. This might be a pirating site, but it's also a review site in a sort of way, I wouldn't be a surprise if some devs do come by to read some comments too.
Sure, it's a useful tool for marketing with the number of users and the lack of supports for adult content on most platforms. But considering the amount of cynicism and lack of empathy most users show on this site, makes every "advice" they give very "tainted" due to their own likes and demand for every game to include every fetish while having an amazing story and also making everything optional.

Some people can't leave a thread even if they absolutely hate a major content in it like type of fetish and so on. Honestly, they can review and move on.

WWG does come here, but he luckily had a solid enough idea for his game that he wasn't swayed by the amount of shit or like for the NTR in his game(he seem to like the hate boner people have for Hunter). The only thing he did was give the switch and remove the point system, and then continue on seemingly as planned. And that's hard to come by, as most people start giving in and spread their game into million choices and losing the focus on their original fetish/story or whatever.
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Engaged Member
Game Developer
Aug 30, 2017

I remember very early on, many users here kept demanding WWG remove NTR or this game would never be successful.

Look at it now. It's one of the most successful AVN's ever. It just goes to show that what people here want is not what's best for the dev, but for themselves.


Sep 14, 2016
Sure, it's a useful tool for marketing with the number of users and the lack of supports for adult content on most platforms. But considering the amount of cynicism and lack of empathy most users show on this sites, makes every "advice" they give very "tainted" due to their own likes and demand for every game to include every fetish while having an amazing story and also making everything optional.

Some people can't leave a thread even if they absolutely hate a major content in it like type of fetish and so on. Honestly, you can review and move on.

WWG does come here, but he luckily had a solid enough idea for his game that he wasn't swayed by the amount of shit or like for the NTR in his game(he seem to like the hate boner people have for Hunter). The only thing he did was give the switch and remove the point system, and then continue on seemingly as planned. And that's hard to come by, as most people start giving in and spread their game into million choices and losing the focus on their original fetish/story or whatever.
yea that's fair point, devs should do whatever they want to their games. The NTR content is great, I think it adds a little risk on your decision making. Like every game, you can't please everyone, but atleast it shows that he does care for his fans by adding that ntr switch. I feel like if you can't take criticism tho, his game wouldn't have flourish outside that genre fan base, but I'm glad it did. After all it's a business at the end of the day, every little helps.
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Sep 14, 2016
I am sorry you feel that way, I was choosing the main point I felt you were trying to make, because some stuff I didnt feel really needed me to reply on, such as:
"And not only that! Your attempt to ridicule a random person who was JOKINGLY making light of this matter just to raise some awareness, incredible. Right on dude! You've got me good sir! Hats off to you."
Like, why do I need to keep that in the quote? Id rather get to the meat of what was being asked and reply to that. I wouldn't say I exacerbated the issue, merely tried to explain it in a way I understood.

That would make sense, but in the quote you didn't like, I gave an alternative, where instead of taking time from game development, he simply took it out of his free time. In that Alternative, the game would be released at the exact same time.
If WWG was taking time away from PV to work on WI then I'd get it and honestly to some level Id agree to what your saying. But experience and other Dev comments lead me to believe that isn't the case.

I hope that clarifies things a little, if not, then, even if you think it will be a waste of time, I will happily keep talking about it with you until we either agree or end choosing not to do so.
Okay, I'll clarify it one last time so you understand. My first post was a jokingly remark about the game developers "milking" the supporters, because it was a week in october and the release wasn't out yet, a joke, not meant to be offensive or anything. But apparently it rubbed some people the wrong way, one guy in particular who took offense to that and replied with a sarcastic post and was talking shit. So I replied in a super sarcastic way, hence your quote, and tried to show him that it isn't always good to have blind faith towards a developer, because you never know when one can just up and leave. I didn't say it was WWG, but just hinted that it's a possibility, and I explained my reasoning for being that way. And hey, if it sounded harsh and unreasonable, so be it, that dude wasn't exactly nice about what he said either. So then a bunch of people including you just took that sarcastic comment and blew it up and directed it as a personal attack to you, just because I mentioned "blind fans" which wasn't meant towards anyone in particular nor WWG fans. The whole point wasn't me hating on WWG or it's fan base, it was just making light of a situation and clearly that didn't register. So if I need to apologize then sorry if you guys feel attacked. It wasn't my intent.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Feb 26, 2018
Interesting argument thats being made about how the game has not been delayed by the What If's.
And I really don't care if it was or not.

However which ever way and from which ever point of view I try to look at it I get the same result.
The updates are delayed by What if's.
It doesn't even matter if the update make its release date or not.

The fact is for arguments sake lets say the dev spent 8 hrs a day updating the game and 2 hrs doing a What If.
If he wasn't making the What If thats 2 more hours he could of spent on the update.

Doesn't even matter if he wouldn't of used the 2 hour's makeing the update had he not been making the What If.
The fact that he is means that he could have.

And more time spent on the update would normally lead to earlyer release time's.
Could just be 1/2 an hour earlyer or 5 hour's earlyer or a couple of days earlyer who knows.

So if the update is on time and not early then it must of been delayed by What If's.

But as I said I don't really care either way.
And if the Dev wants to make What If's for money he bloody well should do.

Just wish people would stop trying to imply they don't impact the making of the updates in anyway what so ever.

The only possible way that could be true is if its a whole other team that do's the What If's for him.

Just sayin.
You clearly have no idea what your talking about. You can't speak for how someone else's production works, or how their creative process works. I'm sorry, but you are totally out to lunch on this, just speaking from the armchair.
Jun 29, 2021
The NTR is toggable on/off in the game and the dev is releasing what if's with NTR, what more do you want?
Me? nothing.
I just said, it would be nice to have NTR without it being blocked.
but people replied and told me what's gonna happen which nice and kind.
My main purpose of that message was to say that people cry about the NTR tag like it just implemented.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Feb 26, 2018
? he's objectively right though.

the what ifs were nice though hope he keeps doing them
No, not objectively right, at all.

People who talk like that are consumers. Not creators. For lack of a better term, this is art. It's not a production line making shoes. There is no 'renders per hour' settings. Some things take longer than others. There is writers block, or creative blocks. Sometimes playing around on a side project creates a breakthrough in the main game on a scene or something you were stuck on. Or solves a technical issue.

Really comes down to the fact you have no idea how a particular dev spends their time.
Apr 16, 2021
There's no delay to the release of Ch 9 because What Ifs were already part of their overall release plan. I'm a lower tier patron and am satisfied with that reality, the higher tiers are getting what they are owed.

Getting the What Ifs here adds to more playable content before Ch 9 anyhow. I'm not seeing any downsides to this scheme and look forward to the next major release!


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2017
It ain't over until we kick Hunter out. And since we get more action with the girls each chapter, I hope the old bastard sticks around for a long time while we take away his toys.


Dec 27, 2020
Can you not wait politely for the update, but you only demand if I want this lollipop from my mother or I do not prefer that, but I will not take a candy, so you behave, let's just wait and see what the producer of the game will provide us with.


Dec 27, 2020
No, not objectively right, at all.

People who talk like that are consumers. Not creators. For lack of a better term, this is art. It's not a production line making shoes. There is no 'renders per hour' settings. Some things take longer than others. There is writers block, or creative blocks. Sometimes playing around on a side project creates a breakthrough in the main game on a scene or something you were stuck on. Or solves a technical issue.

Really comes down to the fact you have no idea how a particular dev spends their time.
Listen to Llamamann, the guy talks well because he sucks he creates games and knows what to eat with in this or similar game.
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