I just find it funny in porn logic that Trans characters are NEVER EVER transitioned, i doubt this game will be any different and thus we will have to be wary of Drew. He will likely have a more "harmless" aura than Hunter because of how he looks now (hes not repulsive after all)
Im more curious where this puts us with the aunt and grandmother though. Are they still team Hunter/Drew since forcibly kicked out or free of influence now after being away for so long (weve not seen just how much permanent influence the Hunter corruption has. Drew for all intents and purpose will be a threat to Sterling but not inherently malicious by nature - just a sculpt of being corrupted into being perfectly ok with banging everyone in sight after being coerced by Hunter. He could very well be the Sterling of the past, with that in mind they could still be very much in love with Drew and siding with him to make this harem Drew focused and not Sterling).