H: Well, I’m an open book if you ever wanna check me out.
Priceless Image frame and arrangement
-Do it again! Tell her how you’re a book! And make it sexy!
-Watch his eyebrows! When he’s trying to be witty, he arches them like he’s The Rock!
-The only way he’s The Rock is because his signature move is hitting rock bottom!
-That’s not all! They both walk around pretending their name isn’t Mr Johnson!
And it’s one after another after another after another. It does not ever end since it had begun.
By now I’m completely flabbergasted how the dev/writer has not run out of references to joke about. They never stop coming from down out of a library somewhere. I mean, it’s honestly astounding. I’m just gonna go ahead and guess that this might actually be a person of reasonable significance who’s earned their status in some other creative field and just does this thing for shits and giggles. It’s not… even… fucking… sensible to have that kind of catalogue to draw from. Yer a Dictionary, a Thesaurus, and an Encyclopedia all at once (with innate humor, most importantly).
-A lot of the following appears to very much enjoy how gross (and nefarious) Hunter is. It doesn’t bother me. Whatever. Okay, have Mom play a game where Futa Mom fucks her little boy. Yeah, that’s not up my alley at all but whatever. I get passed it. I’m fine. (Initially I thought Brenna was a fuckin cunt I won’t ever enjoy but ya know what? I’m into her. Kinda big, actually. And Catherine? I’m not into Loli and I LOVE her. She is her VERY own thing man and I can only appreciate.)
Just send all that chaos up the flagpole, mate - and do not apologize. Plenty of winning going on to overlook any losses perceived. Play it again, Sam.
-And I should not fail to mention? TIFF? HAWWWT!
Some of the early modeling appears a little “flat” as I said in my Review. I’m not really sure how to qualify that claim properly, since I really enjoy the modeling in general. But it might be the lighting or the skin tone that has me seeing it less dimensional. But Tiff the Maid? No complaints on skin tone nor reflective lighting there. Gimme sum.