It's just about what your personal taste is.DAMN, ALWAYS ADDING SHEMALE SHIT TO GAMES. SMH.
Personally i like the new "What If" idea. Is it the most original idea? No. But i would rather watch a sexy Ophelia with dick banging the girls, than the fat fucker Kevin doing the same.
And talking about personal taste. I don't like every idea either. At first, i was disappointed with "What If 7" because i thought Hunter will be the one who steals the girls. Well, he did but off screen. So, it was a wrong assumption on my side. Still, i hate the new guy, Sean. Even Kevin would be better.
But this is just my opinion. Is "What If 7" bad because of this? Hell no! There are tons of people who enjoyed it, because the quality is top notch.
Maybe "What If 9" will be about something you like more. Until then, hang in there!