I think the issue here is the fundamentally opposed views people might have of this game.
Like... A Narrative Vs Power Fantasy scenario so to speak.
If we read Power Vacuum as a Power Fantasy, then of course people think Hunter is unnecessary to the porn. They want quick, easy sex scenes that do no challenge this fantasy (hence the overwhelming hatred for the new what if from some people here), and an unchallenged protagonist whose main issues can be easily solved by doing some repetitive tasks.
That's not how this story works. From a Narrative and a Metatextual Prospective, this is not one of those games. Hell, this is hardly even a game at this point, there is no actual gameplay, no actual control over the Main Character, no branching paths or needs to keep in check or relationship meters.
This is a very specific story with a very specific message I feel, one people are contesting without even thinking about it.
People are angry over Hunter, but isn't Hunter but a reflection of every house game protagonist ever? A natural conclusion of that arc? All that charm and youth you could have used to identify with him had he been the protagonist is long gone, and only the ugly truth remains, a withered husk committing crimes so be could sexually assault his family with impunity.
He is the perfect villain of this story. A Story that, ultimately, is but a commentary on the genre It's spoofing.
The genre is Voyeuristic, so there are cameras all over the house and then some, because you, the watcher, are living vicariously through Sterling your fantasy, much like Hunter was at first, much like Kevin is when he stole all those women's videos, much like Lucia projected herself into Sterling during her own "house" game.
You are not controlling a character, you're just along for the ride, and you've being told a story about his exploits. The fat has just been trimmed, no repetitive chores or bullshit to do, just sex, eased by chemicals and drugs caused by the villain, a villain that is necessary to get the story running, and to give it stakes.
I'm not Gona say that Power Vacuum is the Citizen Kane of House Games of course, but it sure as shit can be its Starship Troopers... Wait no shit that Space Corps XXX, OK scratch that this is the Roger Rabbit of house games then.
A comedy which, if taken at face value, it's just that, a comedy, but on a deeper reading contains far bigger themes and character arcs than you imagined, much like Roger Rabbit was in turn a movie about how a corrupt bureaucracy and the Automobile Industry destroyed the American Public Transit and Railway System and razed down minority ghettos to build giant highways for profit.
(No really that's what Roger Rabbit is about if you remove the cartoon filter, just check the villain's final monologue).
And much like Roger Rabbit, this game, this story too is but a critique of actual tropes and trends within the genre as a whole and not just that, a coming of age story about children trying not to be like their parents, about the Trauma that comports, about power dynamics and, of course, about the extremely Voyeuristic and Manufactured nature of the genre.
And also about fucking of course, this is still a porn game.