Pirating? I can see how you would think that but I view it differently. The majority of the links here point you towards the creators Patreon or Subscribe star pages. A good deal of developers actively participate in their threads here as well. Hardly the actions of a pirate forum, much close to an old school shareware or freeware model.
I have no issues with Piracy at when it comes to a Fortune 500 company, I have more than a few pieces of content from MSFT or Adobe etc etc. I refuse to just Pirate from small indie devs that are creating good content, that has a very small audience and their sales will never rival COD or Destiny. These games no matter how simplistic some of them seem take a lot of time and creativity. So I would highly suggest if you are enjoying a title go to Patreon and support them if you can. If you financially can't at least take the time out to give their product a positive review.
Currently I support 4 Creators because I played the game I enjoyed their game and I want them to continue developing.