Does anyone know the triggers for the 2nd event for each of the side characters' bad end?
I found that Collete seem to be just passing days until you see her mother(2nd bad end CG), then the guard (3rd bad end CG).
For Yourina, I was able to get her to come out to the front of the brothel (where the bunny girl that tells you to give her some time is) and retell the story of her confinement (2nd bad end CG). But I'm not sure how that was done. I tried to do it on a following playthrough but was unable to trigger it even after passing all the days from 60 to 100. So I think the trigger is something besides days.
For Karen, I was able to hit some trigger where she wasn't in her shop and she was replaced by a generic shop keeper. But I wasn't able to find her anywhere. I imagine that her 2nd CG is where she is, but I can't find her. I don't recall getting any hints on her whereabouts either.