
Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2017
great models but bad business plan.
How not to do a demo:
> make a 0.1 barely put together beta.
> sell it for 10$
>make a censored demo

How to do a demo properly:
> make a game worth idk... 30$ with at least 2-3h of content
> Make a demo that is 50% of that game and sell it for the same % OR make a demo that is 30% of the game with compiled "best bits" like a review copy and make it free.
> low income people will be drawn in by the free demo. money whales will be drawn in by the reviews of those people. profit.

if you must do versions... you have to make tiered releases and preview releases.
free member - always get 1 version late, 50% content demo, free.
bronze tier - always get 1 version late, for 30% the original price.
silver tier - always get the current version, for a relevant price based on play time.
gold tier - get current and beta versions for same price as silver + early access fee which should be around 20% of the base price.
but in this system, you'll have to spend more time marketing and pray someone leaks the game on pornhub so you gain followers.

Mike Johnson

Jan 25, 2018
Great models and story but as others have stated, the business model needs help. Dont paywall things. The best games start totally open like harem hotel.


Jul 6, 2019
Aside from the issue of censorship (boo censorship), this project shows promise. Hopefully, it doesn't get shut down because I do want to see more of the story. The voice acting almost makes up for the censorship. The models look great.


May 8, 2018
the censorship ruins it for me tho if it was a 2$ instead of 10$ for uncensored it wouldnt be too bad.
maybe at around a 0.10 bring in that 10$ crap but not for a first freakin release come on dude wtf


Aug 25, 2017
Well I doubt they will be able to fund it to be uncensored since Patreon is on another ban ran of NSFW content


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2017
So not only has he set up a Patreon for a 0.1 release (not entirely uncommon), he also put the uncensored first release behind a paywall. A $10 Paywall... for a 0.1. People like Chris I would never Patreon.

Chris needs to learn that adult games are a dime a dozen and that you need to first draw people into your game before they support it. Blocking shit right off the bat does the opposite of that.
i agree. that dude would make for a shitty businessman
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Sep 21, 2017
So somebody had posted a link to an uncensored version from some other site in one of the last post (dunno why the post was deleted) and it indeed turns out that it was the uncensored version. It was behind one of those paid url shortners and password protected so just removed the password and reuploaded it to Workupload for you lot. Thank Me later.

Not much different from the censored version though besides some uncensored version of the same images.

Uncensored Version Download:

P.S.: The starting screen says censored but its not the case.
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New Member
Nov 26, 2019
Whoa it looks like I got a lot of feedback here XD!

Well sorry for the censored version (tried to make it without ugly censorship like black boxes or mosaics) and the paywall, the game was intended to be released uncensored for free anyway (the disclaimer says so) but patreons got it 4 days earlier (as a thanks for supporting me and make possible to pay for the voices,programming and music) so it's more of a "thank you Patreons" thing than a "you will never get the full uncensored game if you don't pay".

This is my first "game" (notice the big "") and it was a strange process where I was modding and creating the characters for fun , a lot of people wrote me ideas for stories or abilities of the girls and I thought it was a shame to not tell a story about them and the fastest way was a mini visual novel, then some people told me to add voices, and music and gameplay.

Not gonna say that I draw/model hentai without wanting profit, but as some said here on the forum, I was doing pretty well before "princess Quest" just drawing porn without getting a dev, writer,voice actors team, and Patreon grows better (or at least simpler) with animations and images than games (at least for me because I don't like long projects nor I know a thing about programming or developing) so the game was a project that I did for fun, but adding things that I can't do (voices and programming) had to be covered and the patreons made it possible.

The uncensored version is leaked online already but if you guys want it here it is (non strange links with viruses or with adfly)

Not gonna lie, the next parts will be released exactly as this one, first censored for public and uncensored as a "thanks" for the Patreons, but just like this one it will be released 3 or 4 days later uncensored for everyone.

I´m writing here because there's a lot of people commenting and that was why I made the game, so it reachs a lot of people and if you played censored, uncensored pirated, uncensored released by me and liked how it goes so far or hate it, I want to thank all of you for give it a try and like the visual part.

I´m not god with English so, I´m sorry if I wrote some nonsense
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Feb 10, 2018
Not gonna lie, the next parts will be released exactly as this one, first censored for public and uncensored as a "thanks" for the Patreons, but just like this one it will be released 3 or 4 days later uncensored for everyone.
Personally, I wouldn't bother with the censored version at all unless you really want to do it for some reason. Just release it to patrons early without bothering with a censored version.
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New Member
Nov 26, 2019
Personally, I wouldn't bother with the censored version at all unless you really want to do it for some reason. Just release it to patrons early without bothering with a censored version.
well indeed that's less work, and a less hate from the people who don't read the disclaimer saying that the game is gonna be out some days later.

Gonna think about it and maybe ask the patreons


New Member
Nov 26, 2019
I have to say, they made some really strange decisions with this game, in my opinion.

For starters, whose idea was it to make you click a tiny button in the corner to advance text, instead of just clicking on the giant honking text box? Or really, anywhere on the page not tied to another button. It's annoying. For that matter, why use Unity for this at all instead of something like Ren'py? Do they plan on including gameplay mechanics later that requires using an engine that doesn't have all the quality of life features baked in?

Second, why use Disney princesses if you're not going to use their personality or backgrounds? Is that something that will be touched on later in the plot? I assume so, given that it's called "Princess Quest" and is risking a C&D for no good reason elsewise, but as of now, it's essentially a random D&D party who happens to look like famous copyrighted figures. Well, I guess I can give this a pass when the introduction isn't even complete - but it does need to be addressed at some point.

Third, while it was mildly amusing to say "No, don't go into the cave" and watch everyone give a host of reasons why they shouldn't before being railroaded into continuing the plot... The other times weren't actually amusing at all, so why include the option? I'm not saying that every choice has to be super-consequential, but if the choices are going to be meaningless, at least have them end up in the same place in a way that pretends your input mattered. Like if you choose not to touch the flower, have her trip as she stands up and fall into the flower anyway - don't just go "But Thou Must". Especially not with an obnoxious beep when you choose an option the game doesn't like. I'm assuming that's a bug, but seriously - obnoxious.

Fourth, the plot... Really needs some work. Again, I get that it's a .1, but what's currently presented isn't promising; it does a decent job of distinguishing the characters and establishing their relationships, but does next to nothing to explain the setting, why they're wandering into a dark cave (a rescue mission, yes, but why? Who are they, why are they doing this, and is this something routine or super-dangerous?), or what any of this stuff actually is in the context of the setting. I mean, they pretty much just brushed off what appeared to be a near-disaster with a tentacle plant; surely that justifies at least a little reaction on the part of the party? If one wants to get fancy with it, perhaps use the reaction as a natural way of explaining how much (or little) danger they were actually in - "Who cares, it would have let us go after having it's fun" or "You nearly got us all killed, that thing doesn't stop until its victims die of exhaustion".

This approach makes it feel like "Generic World" at best, and like they're wandering around a set at worst. Nobody is demanding a masterpiece, but it would be nice if one had the impression the author at least tried to tell a story here.

Fifth, I get that it's a porn game, but... Would it have killed the author to include actually sexualized situations rather than just making normal situations sexual? Maybe it's just because the game isn't meant for me, but I can't help but think it'd be a heck of a lot more sexy if, say, the tentacle plant's pollen was suffusing the cave and making them act more sexual in their ordinary adventuring behavior, rather than "Let's look at the rogue's butt while she studies the ground". It ends up feeling like the author was relying on the pictures to do all the work, in which case... Why make it a game instead of a CG pack?

And lastly... It's super, super short at the moment. The CG suggests plenty of work was put in, so I'm not calling the authors lazy, but was there really a point in putting it out this soon? It's not really going to hook many donors interested in the game until there's more to see; in my opinion, putting up some of the artwork they've done as teasers until it's closer to a .3 would have done more to build interest.

All of that said, the artist does seem to be talented. If one is interested in the art style, I imagine they'd probably enjoy it despite these issues. Except perhaps the obnoxious "wrong button" sound.
You know, this post made me subscribe to this forum, this is the first approach to a game (I´m just an artist/animator) and is great to see that someone took the time to review it with so much care, this game is irregular mostly because I have no idea of how the "hentai game world" works, the game is free and uncensored now (and that was the idea from the beginning) so I will focus moreon the feedback.

Why Unity? hmm well I didn't know people hated it for V.N, the programmer is a friend who only knows Unity so, this being a really personal project born from some fanarts, didn't think it would piss so much people, I will try to change the platform but for that, probably I will have to change programmer and probably the price will rise. but is a good suggestion thanks!

jAS aRI3.jpg
Why Disney princesses? well as I said it started as an idea for an illustration or a set of illustrations, people who follow me on social media liked the idea and kept telling me who should I add and with what kind of job. being famous characters gave the project a little boost even if their personalities arent exactly the same.
Every one of them has a backstory more or less inspired on their movies.
Aurora was sleeping for a hundred years and was the onlyone from her castle who woke up so she is looking for the witch that made the curse.

Jasmine's kingdom was taken by Jaffar who has her father as prisoner, she barely escaped just with the clothes she had at the moment and a bag that had inside a dusty lamp she had to learn how to steal to survive, now shes raising money (not from patreon) to get herself an army and save her home.

before they went into the dungeon there was another group that disapeared (like a team alpha and team bravo) there will be hints that show that it was indeed another group of female adventurers (one of them is Belle, the beast tamer)

there's a lot more but I´m no writer so, Im just sketching ideas with the person who helps me with this to make a cohesive story.

About the "fake decisions" That's my fault, I just wanted to tell a little story that went bigger the more the people on pateon and other social media told me. the game at some point was intended to be a CG release with texts and "vote for the decision" on twitter or patreon. (like some artist do) but I prefered to go with the visual novel because Akabur "Princess trainer" was an inspiration.
The second part of the dungeon does have a real branch that changes what happen and what kind of sex scene you get.
Your idea about making the scenes look more dangerous is really good and you have a point about the "world" feeling generic (it kinda is but that's not excuse gonna work on that)

crouch Low.jpg
About "include actually sexualized situations " well I think it's because it's kinda inspired on anime fanservice where is most about were the camera is or how a character falls with her open legs, I know it's not for everyone but it was the intention.

Why so short? hmm well... there's 2 reasons, I have little patience (maybe because i'm a 2D/3D artist) and Im used to see finished the things I do inmediatly, it's not a good thing but reading opinions and feedback keeps me motivated more than packing a 2 hour game for release after 10 months without knowing if people will like it... I upload an image and jump to the other, but planning a story, checking the dev team, find the music/voices, needs a change of pace. also I'm not sure what's the best way to release a game (my intention, based on nothing was to divide the dungeon in 3 parts and when they defeat the first boss and learn what happened to the last team putting all of them together like a manga volume) but hey that's just an approach.

Thanks a lot for taking the time all of you, I´m not searching for "business models" suggestions here but ways to make the game play better, and not hating the process at the end of it.
I´m taking notes of the constructive comments about story, art, programming etc. to make a better product that I enjoy creating. (and again, sorry for the bad english)



Jan 10, 2018
Oh, thank you for taking the time to respond! My apologies if my comments came across as somewhat harsh, by the way; while I do believe the issues I raised are valid, I likely would have phrased them differently if I knew the author was going to read them.

You know, this post made me subscribe to this forum, this is the first approach to a game (I´m just an artist/animator) and is great to see that someone took the time to review it with so much care, this game is irregular mostly because I have no idea of how the "hentai game world" works, the game is free and uncensored now (and that was the idea from the beginning) so I will focus moreon the feedback.

Why Unity? hmm well I didn't know people hated it for V.N, the programmer is a friend who only knows Unity so, this being a really personal project born from some fanarts, didn't think it would piss so much people, I will try to change the platform but for that, probably I will have to change programmer and probably the price will rise. but is a good suggestion thanks!
If you don't expect to do anything more complicated than this, I really do think Ren'py would be better for the project; it's extremely simple to use, great for projects involving a lot of writing, free, and has all the functionality expected of a VN baked in already. Your friend shouldn't have any trouble switching to Ren'py, even if they aren't familiar with it previously - I'd go so far as to say that you could probably do it yourself, if need be. Take a glance at their website for more information.

The problem is that it's a real pain for other forms of gameplay - if you were planning on including an inventory system, fights, or anything else that adventurers do, then sticking with Unity might be less of a headache. If you do those in a VN-like structure (say, choosing from a variety of options as the fight progresses, attaching a value to each of them, and deciding whether they win or lose at the end based on the total value), it works out just fine, but adding an entirely new system... Usually doesn't end up working well. It's very good at what it does, but trying to branch out of what it does ends up sticking out in a bad way, at least for a lot of the projects I've seen.

Even then, though, I might recommend dropping any planned gameplay in favor of the core VN, just because people so often get Unity wrong for VNs when they try to rebuild the proverbial wheel. Take a fast forward button, for instance; if a game's just been updated, or the player wants to try a different branch, they have to go through a lot of text to see the new stuff. That ends up becoming a real slog if there's no fast forward button, but plenty of devs don't consider that because it's not a problem for them when writing the game, and it's not included by default. Or they do include a fast forward button, but don't have an easy way of distinguishing between previously seen text and new text, so the player ends up skipping things not realizing a scene was changed in an update or as a result of their decisions.

Why Disney princesses? well as I said it started as an idea for an illustration or a set of illustrations, people who follow me on social media liked the idea and kept telling me who should I add and with what kind of job. being famous characters gave the project a little boost even if their personalities arent exactly the same.
Every one of them has a backstory more or less inspired on their movies.

Aurora was sleeping for a hundred years and was the onlyone from her castle who woke up so she is looking for the witch that made the curse.

Jasmine's kingdom was taken by Jaffar who has her father as prisoner, she barely escaped just with the clothes she had at the moment and a bag that had inside a dusty lamp she had to learn how to steal to survive, now shes raising money (not from patreon) to get herself an army and save her home.
Ah, that does sound pretty neat, actually. I see a good amount of potential there later!

before they went into the dungeon there was another group that disapeared (like a team alpha and team bravo) there will be hints that show that it was indeed another group of female adventurers (one of them is Belle, the beast tamer)

there's a lot more but I´m no writer so, Im just sketching ideas with the person who helps me with this to make a cohesive story.
If I might make a suggestion, it might be better to elaborate on that more at the start - such as having one of the characters give more details about what the old team was trying to do, or talking a bit about how one of their friends (Belle, though I'm guessing that's supposed to be a surprise? Just talking about her without naming her should still preserve that mystery, if that's a concern) had gone missing on the expedition.

It's more difficult to get invested in what they're trying to do if we don't know much about it ourselves - we don't need a long scene about it, but a bit more detail about who went missing and why helps it feel more real.

About the "fake decisions" That's my fault, I just wanted to tell a little story that went bigger the more the people on pateon and other social media told me. the game at some point was intended to be a CG release with texts and "vote for the decision" on twitter or patreon. (like some artist do) but I prefered to go with the visual novel because Akabur "Princess trainer" was an inspiration.
Just to be clear, "fake decisions" can still work as a mechanic, in moderation - even if both branches end in the same place after a paragraph, it can make an otherwise linear VN feel more dynamic, and let the player feel more investment in important scenes. The issue, specifically, is that the way it's done currently negates the player's input by forcing them to go back and choose the other option after all.

If, for instance, the princess just said "No, I'm going to touch the flower anyway," that still works, because the player feels like they at least tried to stop it; going back and being forced to pick "yes" is the problem here. At least, in my opinion.

About "include actually sexualized situations " well I think it's because it's kinda inspired on anime fanservice where is most about were the camera is or how a character falls with her open legs, I know it's not for everyone but it was the intention.
Yeah, just to emphasize the point, that's probably more of a "me" problem than a problem with the game; I tend to identify with the characters in the game, so the idea of just looking "myself" in an incidentally fanservicey pose... Doesn't do much for me. I mean, I could just do that at home.

The idea of deliberately posing sexily because some unknown force is encouraging me to do so, well, that's hot... But I understand if that's not what the game is going for here :) .

Why so short? hmm well... there's 2 reasons, I have little patience (maybe because i'm a 2D/3D artist) and Im used to see finished the things I do inmediatly, it's not a good thing but reading opinions and feedback keeps me motivated more than packing a 2 hour game for release after 10 months without knowing if people will like it... I upload an image and jump to the other, but planning a story, checking the dev team, find the music/voices, needs a change of pace. also I'm not sure what's the best way to release a game (my intention, based on nothing was to divide the dungeon in 3 parts and when they defeat the first boss and learn what happened to the last team putting all of them together like a manga volume) but hey that's just an approach.
This is just an idea, but one solution might be to put out regular "incremental builds" for your donors, while releasing larger public builds for everyone else. This would allow you to get the frequent feedback you're looking for from those who are very interested in your project, while those who are less interested can be assured that each update they see has a significant amount of content added.

Other than that, though, I would just like to mention that there's no option that really keeps everyone happy; some people are annoyed if there's not much new in an update, while others are annoyed if they go too long without seeing any progress. So long as you're making consistent progress, now that it's released, it's probably best to tune out comments regarding the update schedule.
3.40 star(s) 7 Votes