here's my review and experiences with the new demo, with a few opinions because IM MAKING MAC N' CHEESE, AND NOBODY CAN STOP ME!
gameplay issues:
-the platforming is kind of absolutely stupidly precise. there are multiple jumps where it seems you have to be pixel perfect and also hold shift the whole time. i get that the double jump is an upgrade, but honestly it feels like an entirely different game with it.
-sometimes my mouse clicks just would not register, so my character just kinda stood there like a dumbass while dying. this may however be due to me using my shitty laptops mousepad instead of a proper mouse
-jumping takes stamina. this is a pretty big issue since a majority of the game requires you to jump multiple times to get anywhere and you just end up jumping like 3 times before having to sit there and wait.
-difficulty is inconsistent. I dont know exactly whats going on under the hood, but i swear the enemy generator was against me 90% of the time. there were times where i walked around half the map and nothing spawned, but then i go up a little and suddenly im getting swarmed with enemies with no time to heal or anything.
-the map is too samey. i often felt like i was lost because the entirety of the map looks the same and there are barely any landmarks or clear sections beside the infected area.
-teleporter never works. i picked up multiple teleporters throughout the playthrough and not a single one actually worked. i tried using it from the inventory, nothing happens. i try using it from the quick select whatever, nothing happens. well, what i mean by nothing happens is that it just gives you a status that goes away over time and it doesn't do anything.
-the clothing mechanic is too punishing. I understand why you cant access your inventory when unclothed cause the items would probably be on them, however what doesn't make sense is when you pick up items while unclothed, you cannot use them. this basically made the unclothed state a nightmare for me since around 30% of the time my clothes once removed would phase out of existence. what doesn't help is if your health reaches zero and an enemy catches you, your only option is essentially to redo the whole game cause sometimes its borderline impossible to get back to your equipment before losing all your health and dying. that is if you can even tell where you are in relation to your clothes in the first place.
-items all share the same sprite. i understand that this is more of an alpha to test systems or whatever, but at least have even a tiny difference in some of the item sprites. i often found myself not knowing i was using one item when trying to use another and depleting my entire stock not understanding why it wasn't working, only to figure out it wasn't a medkit but was a cleaner or something.
-some of the puzzles make no sense. the current state of the game is essentially a brutally challenging key hunt, and sometimes it wont even tell you what you are looking for. i remember distinctly finding the boss, defeating him, and then trying to interact with the panel he was guarding only to be met with "this is blocked by monitor". i spent around 45 minutes lost and confused until i found the monitor, and it was literally a lit up thing on the wall down an alley id gone down a billion times.
the game is one of the most fluid and well polished games, from an ANIMATION standpoint, i've ever seen. im not sure how he managed to make it look this good without sacrificing a few animations to do so. there's a solid foundation to build something really good here that could be one of the best of all time, however it still has a long way to go in the gameplay field. i would keep an eye on this one if you are even slightly interested for sure.
opinions corner:
this is probably just my preferences getting in the way, but the sex scenes just don't feel... real? its hard to describe. every one of them starts with the attacker thrusting hard a few times and then just going slowly until very slowly ramping up to climax. this just kinda feels stiff, even though the animation is some of the best i've seen. also the girl doesn't moan nearly enough. the most you get is the start before the slow transition phase and then more towards the end. the rest is just kinda slapping noises and nothing else. it just kinda feels like she's putting on an act during the whole time and remembering after about halfway, "oh right! i was supposed to be reacting!" right before the finish.