I did give feedback though? I said the game has good 3D models and the sex poses are standout. And I outlined my criticisms of the game. Should I have been more clear about what they meant? Most certainly; "stiff" animations and "clunky" controls are words that are common in gaming lexicon but don't mean much on their own. And I apologize if they are meaningless criticisms to you. But can you honestly say that this is any more helpful (Alket's review):
-Is the gameplay good?
It's too early, but yes.
-Are the outline mechanics good and fitting?
It's too early, but yes.
-Does it look good?
-Is the environment, audio and settings any good?
-It's fun to play?
It's too early, but yes.
In the end, it has potential? Yes.
It's all positive feedback, but can you honestly say that it's constructive in any way? In the same way that you can say that my negative criticism didn't explain what causes issues, you also have to be cautious of positive feedback that doesn't explain what makes them work.
I love when people extrapolate parts from something and omits the rest of the text to suit their point...
I would rather not start a discussion, but I feel that I should point out that by removing the first line of my review, as well as the last line and taking only what is my own feedback for a game in this early of a stage, you are either trying to troll me or bait me into a rant.
Let me explain:
1) In my whole review I open with:
" The problem with reviewing games at this early stage of development is that it's always a gamble to give an high scoring... "
this means that in the early stage of development, you have to acknowledge the fact that you are looking at an embryo that still needs to mature and that things may change during development, for how much constructive criticism you may give, if you like what you saw in the 5 minutes the demo lasts, there isn't much to say.
2) Then I lay down what are my gut feelings for the game and, as you say, it's all pretty positive because I like all those things that I listed, in order are: gameplay, contour mechanics, graphics, setting, pacing. By liking these, the game, for my tastes, has potential.
3) A little overview of the gameplay
4) My thoughts on the author
and finally, the most important
5) "so, fuckit, let's give it 5 stars and
see how it evolves." this is a very early access game and I'm totally prepared to dump the score if the game takes a direction that I personally don't like.
Now, please, don't take what I just wrote the wrong way,
cunning_linguist , I just wanted to point out the reason for the 5 stars and having you directly taking only some parts of my review, whitout considering the rest, was something I didn't like.
At the end of the day, 2 stars is what I personally feel the game is in its current state. That doesn't mean that it can't be better in the long run, because it certainly can. And I'm saying this repeatedly at this point, but taking inspiration from others isn't inherently bad on its own. You've already proven at this point that PE will not be a cheap copy of a pre-existing gmae. All I'm interested in is seeing how this game will stand on its own merits.
I totally respect your take on the game, the fact that it didn't suit you all that much and you feedback: we all have different tastes after all, so it's all good.
You were right to review it the way you did: if you didn't like something you of course tell it, it may seem more constructive, but if, like me, you liked it, beside the bugs, there isn't much more to say...
Last thing, with this post:
This exchange is interesting because it highlights a broader issue with modern gaming...
Let's take AQE: great game, hands down, but it's clearly inspired by Metroid Fusion and its main enemy is H.R. Giger Alien.
Let's take PE: super-ultra-alpha state, it's a side scroller, inspired by other side scrollers, among these other side scrollers there's AQE. Now,
MATEYDEV himself (herself or itself, no idea) has clearly stated that an inspiration was AQE, which is in turn inspired by Metroid, he could have said that PE took a page from Metroid's book and it would have been the same.
We are in a day and age where almost every-game-thing has already been done by some other project. I personally believe that the frase "taking inspiration" is useful to narrow the genre and shoot at the interested people in that specific genre,
MATEYDEV is already doing differently from AQE: the pacing is completely different, it's way slower and there is no instant gameover.
About the "stiffness" thingy, I believe it's due to this slower pacing, that I personally like as it looks more "realistic", and the animation transitions that are not (yet?) very fluid.
Keep doing what you're doing, let's see more of the game before starting to label it, as of now and as stated by multiple people, yes, it has potential.
Also, since you stated that all the environmental assets are original, you should sell them for extra revenue, they are really good...
I wasn't referring to you or anyone else personally, it was simply my take on what I believe is an issue with criticism in modern gamig.
That's all.