Look, the asslickers and right hands are going to swoop in and try to cover whatever you're trying to say as hate or trolling, like bro, it's a porn game if i want mechanics let me play a real game like "Metal Gear Solid V "GrOuND zErOeS"". LMAO.
Your complaints are valid, the dev has two projects that got thrown away for different reasons (good reasons even) and the current situation with the industry over there is effed up and he's focusing on gameplay and mechanics on a game where the main attraction is...PORN
The only thing that makes this game interesting is the porn, the mechanics are cool, the shooting is cool, whatever, but the main thing here is the porn, you can like it or not but it's fax. You can say that HIS focus is to make a game and what not but that's meh. Other people have said so before and have been looked upon as complainers, trolls, or people that "have no faith". Yeah sure, let's be as reductive as possible, everyone is either a coomer or a total crazy perverted hikikomori for wanting what the game is known for, great porn.
Also if you don't pay you can't have an opinion apparently, like bruh, i'll pay when i see a new scene that hasn't been made like two plus years ago. You can't just throw your money at anything nowadays, specially with these games, people like to overextend development to milk patreons and then release some bullshit ass game like ''vivi's magic island'' or "Future Fragments" that got delayed like eighty times only to release a piece of hot garbage with the same scenes and mechanics as the demos and it wasn't even finished.
LMAO it's not hating on the game, nobody wants the game to fail, why would people want it to fail? It's just valid concerns. Made an account just for this too so, whatevs.