I played through this game again, right from the start. But, this time, peeking at the code to see if I could get some of the scenes I hadn't gotten last time. It went OK. But still, there were times where I just input the right conditions into the console, just so I could follow the different branches. If I were to play it without looking at the code, I guess I might have been at it for another couple of days testing this and that choice out.
What I got from it though, is how much of a cockblock Hank turns out to be. I mean, when he does come on screen, it seems he's going to be pretty fun to be around. But, that relationship actually sucks most of the fun out of the game. Not really because of him, but of Amy's reaction to being in that relationship. Sometimes I like that she's involved with him, other times I think she'd be better off going another path.
Right now, I'm not sure what save point I want to carry through. I mean, I like the hate-based scenes with Miyagi. I could see that path as a pretty fun one for the future. I mean, if she's going to be attending school for a while (all summer), then she's probably going to be seeing them most days. That can't be said about Hank, or probably won't be.
I do hope this new "acheatinc" variable that's been introduced starts to allow Amy to explore more beyond her immediate relationship. If it doesn't, I might just have to cast it off and start from where she has a choice in the matter again. But, if it does, then I think this would turn into a pretty fun game. Or one where you could have your cake, and eat it too.
I think Hank is pretty good for her. But, there's far too much restriction around that early-game decision. I do like the cheating aspects that come up from time to time. The brother with Helena, but with eyes on Amy. And the other brother attempting to change himself so Amy looks at him in a different light. And the uncle, getting more and more bold with his interaction with her.
I even like that Aunt is viewing her as more and more of a threat to her family. I like to see those kinds of scenes, and I think it'll all fall in to place if Amy can develop more of a cheating habit from time to time. I think there's still more story to introduce, so maybe that's the general direction the story will take. Hank as swinger, and an enabler to bring Amy into that kind of world. Or maybe she finds that life outside of his direct involvement. I guess if he's starting to ignore her (this enabling her to go to the poker night), then this might lead to something. I dunno. Anything's possible at this stage, so it's too early to comment on it.
I guess I write, because I'm not sure what focus I should be putting into the game, to get the scenes I want. And, there's a lot of basic infrastructure leading me to see that Hank is just a huge cockblock. But that's only because maybe the future swinger-path hasn't really taken off yet. Should I think of this hank-path as the early stages of that? Or should I just cast him off and play the party girl, and see where it leads? Like, I'm talking about 0.17+, the future updates.
I don' t mind falling back to saves, and skipping forward to get to a different point. But, what I'm saying is, there's a lot of skipping needed, to get this or that scene. Or to avoid some things I'd rather not see. It's tricky. Right now, I'm not sure which way to jump, for a persistent, fully-committed save. There's too much I don't know about the club stuff at school, and if Hank's future dates will turn out. I don't think I can make a decision about it until we do see a bit of where it's heading.
But, I like it. All the choice, all the hidden little things you can play to are pretty nifty. But, if I didn't cheat at times, and trick the game into playing how I think it should play? I don't think it'd be as fun. I don't mind looking at the code, and I think that's the best way to play it, if you don't want to use hours and hours just to see if certain points will have an effect on a scene.
I did like 0.17 though. It was fun to play through that day.