Talking to coach at disco gives white screen and have to take emergency exit. Any workaround that
Edit: I found a workaround use run command to set trener_speak = 6 and centr = 1 to skip that part and then go to city, center part fitness center on sunday between 10 AM-11AM to continue the event
This is strange, the disco link is:
$_vstr['1'] = 'Michaeel Nickolaevich<a href="exec:GT ''VolleyTrenerSpeak'',''Сonversation_disco''">stands at entry of the club</a>'
But if I search for
Сonversation_disco I find 2 instances - both in gdkin_strings & gdkin_strings_en.
Line 227?? of
VolleyTrenerSpeak says:
if $args[0] = 'Сonversation_disco':
I copied the line, then commented (!) the original and replaced
Сonversation_disco with the text from gdkin_strings_en and it worked like it was supposed to???
VolleyTrenerSpeak Line 227?? looks like this:
!---------------------------Not yet in the composition-------------------------
!if $args[0] = 'Conversation_disco':
if $args[0] = 'Сonversation_disco':
if volleysostav = 0:
They are identical, but it won't work with the original and it does with the correction???