The bonus/malus balancing really is out of whack, and it shows waaaay more with the leagues now. Either you win fights nearly instantly in 3 to 4 moves, or it's unironically impossible to win, without any in-between whatsoever. Based on that balancing and the new league mechanic, you can effectively get softlocked at the bottom for a long time given the bonus/malus rotation for a league upgrade can be impossible to even have a sliver of a chance of winning for months without end.
As soon as you have a battle with a 1/3 bonus/malus balance, bonuses that cannot overlap with currently available girls, or bonuses that applies to girls who also overlap with the maluses, you need to wait it out and it can take a long time before not ending up with one of those 3 outcomes. Then, when it happens to land on something that might be doable, you better hope the girl who has that possibility is already corrupted and leveled and, preferably, skilled for battle, which are all things in which the league level cap and the new specialisations actively work against you.
The new contracts are awesome to allow you getting items that were usually obnoxious to get, but it feels bad not even being able to use some of them because you are either gated by the league battle rotation or some girls' absolutely abysmal XP "specialisation" that makes them extreeeeemely obnoxious to level, both fucking the skill points acquisition.
The bonus/malus issue can be partially fixed by adding more girls, which modding will probably do, but specialisations really shouldn't give negative effects. The positive effects could also be potentially tuned down too and the baseline acquisitions could be increased overall, because at the moment you pretty much choose a specific girl with the best spec, gear her up for that, and then only use her for this single use, potentially worsening the battle issue since it can lock some girls into those uses and, with low skill points, prevent her from being efficient in battles. For example, for cum, you pretty much just build Karma into orgasm and then spam Doggy+ at high boner, which makes her unironically 10x better than everyone else for that purpose, but generally useless in everything else. Having her negative effect removed and her positive reduced in exchange of having higher cum generations, lower cum prices or other cum-buffing sources as an example would make it far less 1 dimensional.