Duke Greene

Active Member
Feb 6, 2018
Holy shit man, thank you! It was not from Kamidori but mentioning Super Mario RPG gave me the idea to check out the OSTs from SNES games and it made me remember! The track is Slam Shuffle, the theme playing when you're in Zozo in FF6!

I spent like 3 days trying to jog my memory, lol.


Devoted Member
Apr 12, 2018
go to the slave market buy a "whore" class slave and set her to work.
Afterwards head to the beach go left and try fishing... talk to the guy at the pier to get repeatable quests for getting him fish for money.
If you can afford it buy a 2nd "whore" class slave and set her to work again... to maximize profit buy dresses from the tailor and gems from the general store to raise Charisma skill.
I would also advice to buy the books of Manual of Health and Sex from the general shop, aswell as Manual of 2 roses from mage and finally trainingsdummy from workshop in town.
Don't rush it... this game is meant to take quiet some time before you are stable enough to train your MC in the various skills/stats that will allow you to explore and charm neutral Characters.

Duke Greene

Active Member
Feb 6, 2018
Oh yeah and a bit of advice: don't rush more expensive buildings to get access to waitress jobs quickly. I did that and found out that not only customers require higher tiers girls or else they leave without paying but you also end up having to hire cleaners and guards. Which, of course, means higher wages, slave taxes and property taxes.

This game is best played slowly. It has a ton of potential though.
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Devoted Member
Apr 12, 2018
you can use the console (same as any other RenPy Game) to cheat money and maybe ability Levels... didn't try that one yet


Sep 27, 2017
Been playing this for while and seem to have a good class/race combo down - Arcane Knight/Ghost/Illusive and it works fairly well overall. Just wondering, what kind of race/classes you guys would choose?

Duke Greene

Active Member
Feb 6, 2018
So far I've only done Arcane Knight/Vampire/Creature of the Night. Pretty strong magic (especially Darkness) and equally strong defense. I think I'll start over with a pure Sorcerer (likely Kitsune). But first I need to finish a mod I'm making for the game, a high-level dungeon on the model of the forest ruins so I can have something that requires a strong party.


Devoted Member
Apr 12, 2018
I normally go for the Spell Knight/Vampire/Master of Blood
the passiv ability makes it easy to build a stable of obedient girls for the Brothels

Duke Greene

Active Member
Feb 6, 2018
Made a few girl packs. Some of them I converted from available WM packs, others I did myself.

Lots of lolis because I had downloaded a bunch of busty chicks already and wanted balance. Deal with it I guess.

(Trails of Cold Steel 2/3/4)
(Date A Live)
(browser game glorifying Japanese imperialism yo)

For the sake of not having only free girls around Anzu, Chloe, Hestia, Momoka and Yayoi are available at the slave market. They can be anywhere between tier ~0.2 and ~2.3. Of course JSON is easy to modify so do w/e you want.


Sep 27, 2017
Just thought id write this to share a few things i recently found in the game if other people are interested. I Started a run as an assassin/princess/fencer, this gives an extra 2k starting cash and a 5star management skill to the pc alongside insane hp/vitality for a good melee build.Alongside the fact that most weapons are swords, the fencer boost is real nice. This is going to be a bit long but bare with me

In the witches hut, i found the best weapon in the game, hands down, the crescent moon sword - 40att/40mag/30 agi(the same stats as +max), it has increased evasion chance and increased crit chance and tri elemental attacks meaning a base 250-300 damage a hit depending on the skill and with max luck(ill get to this in a sec), you can perma crit for 400+damage every hit.

I then decided to give the various minigames a run, diving is useless as it stands, even with max swim skill and the general store items, you barely make any cash for the 1ap/vitality it spends. Whereas fishing is the best skill in the entire game. While tedious, you can find literally anything while fishing and i made around 26k cash in about 35 days ingame. I also found the two best items in the game aside from the weapon earlier and the darkest item in the game, the misc item - Personal memory storage, the consumable - Golden Luck and the consumable - One for all

Personal memory storage is a permanent equippable that grants 50 xp every single day to the person its attached to, Free exp without doing anything.

The golden luck is a golden clover that gives 40 joy and a permanent 5 luck to the character. It is a non 1 time use item and if you have multiple, you can max out your characters luck stat in the first 100 days without the use of gear that specifically increases it.

Finally the potion all for one is the darkest item in the game but surprisingly one of the most beneficial if you use it right. You can only use it on slaves and it will kill the slave you give it to but you will game a bunch of additional potions(hp/mp and serenity pots). I have to do some more tests on this but i currently i believe it gives 1 pot of any rarity per 20 constitution of the slave(not max but current constitution). Tested it on a few slaves now and while it generally doesnt give profit via pots, if you a running low on them and need em, it is probably the best option to buy a cheap slave and use these. i usually get a mix of the three types of pots but i seem to get more high tier pots over low tiers.

Anyway other than those above, if people do run this build, id suggest buying a fishing rod from the general store instead of Mor as it costs 10gp less than Mor, buy an encyclopedia of fishes for 720 and a manual of health for 400ish within the first few days. This will allow you to max out your fishing near instantly and also get a perma max vitality and constitution boost from the book after 7 days. Then focus on buying the crescent sword when it is available and buy good/magic bait whenever it appears in stores. Good bait will give you 5 fishing chances and magic 6, alongside the increased rarity of the items found. If you see it in store, also get the manual of sex which will give you 1 star in general sex/vag/anal and help in the training of new slaves. By day 50, you should easily be able to get 40-50k and maxed luck via fishing if you can optimize alongside good general store rng.
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Devoted Member
Apr 12, 2018
just a sidenote... the silver eyed witch claymore (probably from the equally named Anime) is even better than the Crescent moon.
it grants 2 magically effect with approximitaly 150 dmg each (total of 300) and has higher Bonuses on combat stats.
It can also be bought from the Witch shop


Sep 27, 2017
just a sidenote... the silver eyed witch claymore (probably from the equally named Anime) is even better than the Crescent moon.
it grants 2 magically effect with approximitaly 150 dmg each (total of 300) and has higher Bonuses on combat stats.
It can also be bought from the Witch shop
Honestly i would agree with you but the silver eyed witch claymore also gives a max -40 to agility and the combat skills are overall weaker than than the crescent moon. I'd rather 40att/40mag/40agi + 3 very powerful attacks over 80att/80mag/-40agi and 4 attacks that are weaker.


Devoted Member
Apr 12, 2018
Honestly i would agree with you but the silver eyed witch claymore also gives a max -40 to agility and the combat skills are overall weaker than than the crescent moon. I'd rather 40att/40mag/40agi + 3 very powerful attacks over 80att/80mag/-40agi and 4 attacks that are weaker.
By my experience there is quiet a number of enemies that are more resistant to atleast 2 of these Elements reduceing their effect quiet seriously (Arena), also the sword has a way overpowered special attack that works against most enemies.
The weapons seem more or less equal based on the attacks, yet the Attack Bonuses differ greatly... and their prices don't defer that strongly


New Member
Jun 30, 2018
Hi There, I have a problem making new packs. I use the tagger, follow instructions of minimum tags and images. ALso I create a valid JSON file. I load them in the right file structure. But, the game wont recognise my packs. I tested it where I only have one Rgirl and my pack. My pack doesnt show. I replaced a pic from the other pack using one of my pics, and that pic shows in game (but as the Rgirl).... so clearly its an issue with the pack I made. Any tips?
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