Yeah the game looks great, but plays kinda grindy with no reward, I kinda feel like I'm not getting anywhere, My slaves are high level well past 50, and they only bring like 30-40 gold per slave, per day and I cant look at the slaves endday screen because it crashes, cant buy more properties that will crash, cant look at the storage screen that will crash, certain parts of exploring crashes sometimes not always. Seems the devs didnt take time to test things out becuase most of ht bugs/crashes can be found within 5 minutes of playing(sorry if that was mean but its SOO true).Also whats the point of training the slaves at all, once their classes are set its not like they can learn anything new outside that class that will help them or be any use to you, so sending to training schools is useless and a waste of money, just put them to work and their skills will go up just fine, no need for training. The only downside so far is they barely bring it enough to cover their own upkeep cost. The combat side of things kinda fun but verrrrry grinndyyy, they need to change the way the mc trains combat, its way to grindy and too expensive for the results. I even played the game without running the brothel aspect side of the game and its very possible, slow but possible. I'm not sure if that was intended or not. Like I said the game looks great but the brothel running aspect seems boring and not very entertaining, training the girls seems kinda pointless, I was wondering if I'm playing the game wrong or what? I would really like to hear someone elses play style out. Also can the devs please look into the crashes it kinda kills the game.