Tips for developers about gameplay:
1) Make vitality and MP full recoverable at the end of the day, and substitute the traits which make easier to recover them with something else.
Why? A lot of reasons.
Not the least, because they both are usually fully recoverable by a simple mechanic trick, for example when fighting in the arena against the beasts, leaving alive the less damaging one of the group, then start skipping turns, recovering both, and using a heal here and there to fix the damages.
Of course, this procedure is long and tedious, so most of the time I just spend some money to fix health and everything, but it is perfectly feasible most of the times, so it makes really little sense mechanically that Vit and MP are recoverable resting between turns during a fight and not between the fights (or at least at the end of the day); it feels just like an arbitrary obstruction.
2) readjust and rescale levels, hp and whatnot: again, in the bestiary arena fights, at level 15 (with 2 NPC, level 30 and level 20, which makes an average around 25, I'd say) I could kill the 40 level slimes but they were in the thousands (!) of hp, on the other hand they were doing something like 7 (seven!) damage each one each turn while I was doing over 200 (and the weakest of my group over 70).
Walls are a legit build in online pvp games, and even there they are mostly annoying, but in a solo game that just means clicking 10x times the same sequence of buttons for an outcome which was clear from the start. Result: boredom.
For the rest, I'd say that the "less grindy" general principle has already been expressed.
General tip: don't make the game longer making it slow, make it longer adding content, surprising the players, etc.