I have no thought about the game/plot as a whole atm, as there is not enough to go on for a proper judgement call, but, as it stands I sense a shit ton of cuck content going onwards, and no way of getting proper "revenge"(or what I really would consider a hate filled rage induced Vendetta, as there's not much to go on for revenge, so far.) without being a proper creep about it, relying on massive amounts of drugs/serums or whateverthefuck you want it to be, as the protag so far, is the very definition of proto-beta cuck, with a dangerous amount knowledge in the sciences, specifically chemistry.
I love a good underdog story, but this aint' it chief. This is more akin to undercreep, if it continues this way. Would love to be shown otherwise though.
I'll wait for a good while before going in to this again, just to see where it's heading. But so far, it's not for me, and the plot is thinner than the cigarette papers I use, which I might add is see-through, as there's too little for me to grasp onto or make sense of. I'll still wish you well on you journey, as I do most, even if it turns out to not be for me.