here's the exact quote:
Today at 5:21 PM
So I figure it's time to address this and break the good news. Yes, the update is basically ready... with the exception of two final scenes (which are relatively small in scale). Alorth's working his fingers off to get these ready, but we must cut him a little slack as he's not been feeling well and I'm also largely to blame for us cutting it so closely to the 2. That said... the good news is, the game will be in testers hands tomorrow, and we'll get it into your hands as soon as humanly possible after. Please allow us a few hours of leeway if possible, bear and mind that time-zones vary,, and just know that we're working hard on it / to get it to you!
beta testing shouldn't be rushed as there could be game-breaking bugs that could delay release even further. it's encouraging that we are close, but we could be still far away if issues are unearthed during testing. i would go as far as another week or so.