I am wondering if they update it by chapter or something because if it is done by chapter then that is understandable.
They do the updates by chapter, but what aggravated a lot of individuals and funders on this board was the transparency and delay after delay with vague correspondence after they set their own initial deadline of 3-4 months per chapter. Had the developers come on here and simply stated that they needed a few weeks/months after not meeting their deadline; to reorganize, restructure, plan, or simply "hey all, we took a break this week," there wouldn't have been so many sharpened pitchforks.
Instead, for some reason, they kept saying "Ch. 2 will be ready next month FOR SURE!" ... for five months... thinking the strategy would pay off by resetting the clock with another vague message about 'hope.' That brewed a ton of toxicity, so much that this comment section would probably be extending into its 800th page had it not been for moderators coming in here and cleaning up a majority of the messages. So, unfortunately, now there's absolutely no updates on F95 between developers and fans, instead they only post updates to SS or Patreon, behind the glorious paywall.
Here's the thing though, despite everything that I have said... I love this game. Waiting 8-9 months for Ch 2. was a bit irritating, but it was a great chapter in my opinion with 1-2 hours of content, depending on how you play, with good writing, choices, renders, sound, etc. At least something positive came out of it. If Chapter 2 took them 8-9 months, Chapter 3 will probably take them the same amount of time, if not longer. So after 4ish months, I would say we're halfway there. Perhaps tomorrow, one week, or in another month or two, I will see that Chapter 3 is released and it will be a little surprise. However, I have learned with these developers to not hold my breath, but that can change.
Yoda said it best:
"Waiting with blue-balls leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate... leads to suffering." - Yoda, probably.
And boy... I'll tell ya.... my balls were suffering after 8 months.
Anyways, I'm just here to state some facts, not to stir the pot and create chaos. The intent of this message is to tell some newcomers that they might have to wait a bit for the next update.
Chapter 3 should be great if they can keep delivering this quality of content.
Cheers boys.