Thanks for that. Kagura must be shitting with us to come out with a V3 almost immediately after, though, lol!
BTW, this is all that was changed (comparing the v1.02 and v1.01). You can just just get this (1,2MB) and overwrite your v1.01 files, and there you have it: v1.02.
Riku, if you want I can tell you in PM how to do this (only upload this miniscule 1,2MB with the changed files, also can be just an attachment - much safer methinks). You have v1.02 now (don't yet delete it!), guess you soon will be able to download the v1.03 (hopefully lol), and all you need is a file comparer for the two folders, such as WinMerge. Can be done in 5 minutes.
EDIT: then again... Maybe Kagura V3 Steam patch IS actually v1.02? I mean it came out on the 26th, supposedly...