According to the Wiki the level cap increase is infinitely repeatable, but I always found the Forbidden Talent (+20 Levels) an easier way of increasing the cap anyway, at least for your main party members. Bear in mind you can only have one Gem at a time so you need to repeat the 'Gem Lady' quest (#80) before another will drop.If you Morurun a girl 10 times can you still increase her level cap through H? It says on the screen that they'll no longer be affected by it. I'm in world 3 if that helps at all lol.
I figured it outi can't buy "skill again" anymore? does anyone know what caused this?
Off hand guess is the non-english/complex characters in the path your screen shot shows.I open up the game and i am greeted with this error and a black screen on the first quest.I can't see the battle map either. Is there any way to fix this? Looked around didn't really find any helpful info. Thanks in advance for anyone who takes time to help.
Here's the patch for 1.002 if anyone still needs it. This is my good deed for the year.So... no good soul to save us here and gift us with version 1.002 yet?
^Basically what this guy asked.^How to reminisce Matilda scene other variation? Cg 43 has many variations but I can only view one scene. Cg does get updated though.