
Jun 2, 2018

Lubbio continues his streak of gorgeous art with a fate scene for Sabetha, Inej, and the wolf tribe. We're taking a rather special approach with this one, which I can't relate with preview images alone - but I'm sure you'll like it when it appears in-game, in our next update.
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Julles Ra

Aug 12, 2021
I just came back to playing after a year of letting it pile on content, what is up with Issa? Can someone give me a rundown of what'll happen if I let the shady femboy be?
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Nov 18, 2017
What type of incest theres in the game
Sister on sister as far as I know. I have only played through once so I don't know what I missed out on and didn't follow a guide. Anyway the sisters were kinda underwhelming for me. Hopefully that will change with future updates.

Sabetha & Inej, the cat-girls, aren't great since the incest feels one sided and they feel limited in content. I do want to start off by saying the art and VO is fantastic, along with the general game animations. (That are currently done) There is a lot of work, polish and love put into this game so I want that praise to be known.
Anyway the younger sister, Inej, clearly wants the other while the older one, Sabetha, doesn't and uses Inej's sexuality against her to manipulate her once they're captured and in sex scenes. Which sounds hot but comes across in a very sad cuckquean in the closet-like type of way. If you're into that more power to you, it didn't do anything for me. All their scenes with the MC that I found are all threesomes, like I said previously, Inej comes across as a Cuckquean who uses the MC as an opportunity to fuck/fondle her sister. I feel like if Sabetha was the gay one it would flow better story-wise since she already controls her younger sister and makes all the decisions for them, that would make for hotter scenes in my opinion since Sabetha is already so controlling. I was pretty hyped for them, seeing the banner art made me download the game.
(Was looking forward to Inej most of all, kinda disappointed she's a lesbian in a Bioware game type of way, it's not a 1-to-1 comparison since you do have scenes with her but this is the only thing that came close in my mind to describe it, like when you can't romance certain characters because your Shepard isn't the right sex, also having a character have a specific type in a porn game is kinda a weird choice when you're given the option at the start to choose what kind of content you want, especially one where you go around doing mostly whatever fucked up thing you feel like doing lol. Like the MC wouldn't care and would just take you whenever regardless of the person's sexual preference)
You do have scenes with Inej it's not like she is off limits completely but she certainly feels limited. (Same goes for Sabetha) Her sister is always there in scenes and in general so it's a little disappointing to have that limitation when the rest of the game doesn't feel like that. Inej wants to bang Sabetha but Sabetha doesn't seem into it, honestly feels sad at some points. Also neither of them are into the MC (or corruptible) so picking them as consorts doesn't seem great since they don't want to stick around. It's a trouple where no one is happy, which is kinda hilarious. Also wish you could turn them against each other or break them or put them in separate cells. Maybe there is stuff I missed with them (or that is planned?) but I dunno. Other than that I really enjoyed the game and can't wait for it to be finished.

I know this is a wall of text that seems negative but it's really my only critique I have with the game. This is one of the best I've found on this site.

This game is very fucking cool. Love the lore, worldbuilding, scenes and was surprised by how fucked up it could get. Like even if the sex was all gone I would love to see more of this world explored, all-around awesome setting. Hope we can do more of that mad scientist magic shit on all the characters, I would like the option to turn Issa into a girl. Naho, Enid and the Elves were my favorites in my playthrough. Building your forces and meeting characters makes the game really engaging and makes the choices feel like your own, especially with the ticking clock mechanic which is a very good choice for this game. Highly recommend if you like dark fantasy.


Active Member
Dec 8, 2020
Sister on sister as far as I know. I have only played through once so I don't know what I missed out on and didn't follow a guide. Anyway the sisters were kinda underwhelming for me. Hopefully that will change with future updates.

Sabetha & Inej, the cat-girls, aren't great since the incest feels one sided and they feel limited in content. I do want to start off by saying the art and VO is fantastic, along with the general game animations. (That are currently done) There is a lot of work, polish and love put into this game so I want that praise to be known.
Anyway the younger sister, Inej, clearly wants the other while the older one, Sabetha, doesn't and uses Inej's sexuality against her to manipulate her once they're captured and in sex scenes. Which sounds hot but comes across in a very sad cuckquean in the closet-like type of way. If you're into that more power to you, it didn't do anything for me. All their scenes with the MC that I found are all threesomes, like I said previously, Inej comes across as a Cuckquean who uses the MC as an opportunity to fuck/fondle her sister. I feel like if Sabetha was the gay one it would flow better story-wise since she already controls her younger sister and makes all the decisions for them, that would make for hotter scenes in my opinion since Sabetha is already so controlling. I was pretty hyped for them, seeing the banner art made me download the game.
(Was looking forward to Inej most of all, kinda disappointed she's a lesbian in a Bioware game type of way, it's not a 1-to-1 comparison since you do have scenes with her but this is the only thing that came close in my mind to describe it, like when you can't romance certain characters because your Shepard isn't the right sex, also having a character have a specific type in a porn game is kinda a weird choice when you're given the option at the start to choose what kind of content you want, especially one where you go around doing mostly whatever fucked up thing you feel like doing lol. Like the MC wouldn't care and would just take you whenever regardless of the person's sexual preference)
You do have scenes with Inej it's not like she is off limits completely but she certainly feels limited. (Same goes for Sabetha) Her sister is always there in scenes and in general so it's a little disappointing to have that limitation when the rest of the game doesn't feel like that. Inej wants to bang Sabetha but Sabetha doesn't seem into it, honestly feels sad at some points. Also neither of them are into the MC (or corruptible) so picking them as consorts doesn't seem great since they don't want to stick around. It's a trouple where no one is happy, which is kinda hilarious. Also wish you could turn them against each other or break them or put them in separate cells. Maybe there is stuff I missed with them (or that is planned?) but I dunno. Other than that I really enjoyed the game and can't wait for it to be finished.

I know this is a wall of text that seems negative but it's really my only critique I have with the game. This is one of the best I've found on this site.

This game is very fucking cool. Love the lore, worldbuilding, scenes and was surprised by how fucked up it could get. Like even if the sex was all gone I would love to see more of this world explored, all-around awesome setting. Hope we can do more of that mad scientist magic shit on all the characters, I would like the option to turn Issa into a girl. Naho, Enid and the Elves were my favorites in my playthrough. Building your forces and meeting characters makes the game really engaging and makes the choices feel like your own, especially with the ticking clock mechanic which is a very good choice for this game. Highly recommend if you like dark fantasy.
there is indeed sister on sister action, but there's also father on daughter. or rather daughter on father to be specific. lol

in the paywalled version there's also a debateable son on mother if you count adaline as the dragon's mother or not. (lore stuff blurs it)


Active Member
Feb 15, 2020

State Of The Realm: July
The last couple of months have heralded a significant expansion of our numbers - the recruitment of Korwu as our second scene artist, HereToHelp as our newest writer, and the return of old hands like Mattrex, DoItToJulia, and Undoodle. This has given us a considerable boost in getting the rest of version 5 done, and we’ve already finished our second phase of playtesting.
With the big number fast approaching, I’d like to take this SOTR post as an opportunity to explain a little bit more about what we’ve been working on, why we’ve taken the approach we have, and when you can expect each part of it. I’ve spoken before about how Act V is ‘three smaller Acts in a trenchcoat’ - how does that cash out? What will our future version numbers mean?
Harem System

This is the big one. In Act II, we got to meet our waifus. In Act III, we got to invite them to stay with us, with varying degrees of politeness. In Act IV, we got the chance to pick a romantic companion (or cool wolfy roommate) to share our roost. So what does Act V add on top of that?
The short answer is “everything”. It would be easy to sideline our existing characters, to make room for the other events of Act V, but I’m not interested in doing that. So instead every single waifu will have new content, as well their own endgame arc, and you can pursue them all simultaneously. No more picking consorts! You’re a king, you’ve earned the privilege.
And if we want to do that, we can’t just recycle our old captive interactions. We need to build an entirely new foundation - one that situates them in their new life, reflects all the choices you’ve made thus far, and gives them the extra depth that we’ll be building on for the rest of the game’s span.
Oh, and a good many of them may be heavily pregnant. So they’ll need new scenes, of course.
Courtly Matters
In a conventional fantasy story, the villain seeks to change the world, and the hero stops him. Then the story ends there, because the hero has no function besides maintaining the status quo (or maybe accomplishing one necessary change). But we aren’t playing by those rules - however kind or gracious your dragon might be, you are the antagonist, and your victory is the start of your greater story.
Being able to hold court as a king gives us some fun levers to play with the world, and process conflicts in a suitably dramatic public arena. On the court’s agenda will be a roster of concerns for the Realm’s new ruler - some dealing with the transition from the old way of things, some resolving leftover issues from your ascent to power, and some processing the new challenges that begin to emerge.
All courtly matters will be meaningful choices - that is to say that they affect things you care about, will have an impact on the world around you, and offer no ‘golden path’ or obviously-optimal solution to retreat to. You will need to use your own judgement, with an ever-present eye on the resources and people you can depend upon. Good luck.
Horde Interactions

There are many people who might have joined you in the conquest of the Realm. Eager kobolds, bestial wolfmen, opportunistic mercenaries, eldritch proteans, ambitious infernals, and a certain very driven warlock. We’ve had plenty of interactions with them thus far, but how much do we really know about them? Why do they do what they do? And where will the future take them, now that they’re on the winning team?
Our generals are major characters, just as our waifus are. They will all have roles to play in the final Act, and some of them are very large! So rather than rush in with our preexisting interactions, we’re building a fresh foundation that allows you to discover more about them, and understand who you want to favour in the world to come.
Minor Characters
Besides the ‘main’ cast, there are a few characters who haven’t received as much prominence as they might otherwise have. That includes the meek maid Chia, the not-so-meek commoner Enid, and everyone’s obvious favourite - the court herald. I know that people have been raring for more content with them, and Act V furnishes us with the perfect opportunity to provide that.
Our last major decision of Chapter One is the question of marriage. This won’t be the same as picking a consort in Act IV - marriage is more than a romantic gesture, especially when you’re king, and has its own special considerations. You will still be able to pursue romances (or… less romantic routes) with the rest of your harem, as is the tradition of the land. But the choice of co-ruler - and mother of future dragons - will be an important one.
At this point we’re ready to move the timeline forward, and introduce the second component of our trenchcoat. Chapter Two will bring new court events, and new interactions with our cast. And you’ll have some dragonspawn to become acquainted with, as well - something you’ll know, if you’ve played our most recent update, might feature some surprises of its own.
Things really come to a head in Chapter Three, where you will have at least one major crisis to resolve - out of the six that are on offer, depending on your choices thus far. There will be action, there will be drama, and there will be the chance to determine your path down one of the ten different game endings.
But it is not yet over! Not for you, and not for our supporting cast either. I mentioned that our waifus will have further stories of their own in Act V - these lead towards decision points that will determine their final fate. Who gets a happily-ever-after? Who gets a miserable end? How much bittersweet do you like? And on the royal side of things, you may have a marriage to look forward to once all is done.
The last major Act V update exists to close everything out in a suitably satisfying fashion. That means a suitably spectacular wedding night for you, and a series of dynamic epilogues that take our saga forward into the future. This won’t be the end of Ravager’s development - not even close - but it will mark the point we can call our main story ‘complete’.
* * *
That’s far from everything, but I’ve rambled on long enough for now. Hopefully you’ve got a stronger idea of what’s to come! And hopefully you’re as excited about it as I am. Now, I’m gonna get back to work on Act V - when the next State Of The Realm post comes around, I’d like it to include a release date for you.
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New Member
Sep 10, 2020
Is there any way of changing or removing the red outline ui on android, IMO I think it's very distracting and annoying.


Jun 2, 2018

Lubbio is back - already! - with another beautiful sequence for us. This time he's illustrating both variants of Naho's veterinary checkup from the last update. His new workflow is producing gorgeous art at a stunning pace, and I'm very happy with the results. I hope you are, too!
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Well-Known Member
May 6, 2022

Lubbio is back - already! - with another beautiful sequence for us. This time he's illustrating both variants of Naho's veterinary checkup from the last update. His new workflow is producing gorgeous art at a stunning pace, and I'm very happy with the results. I hope you are, too!
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Those glowing tentacles do be vibin in the background. Lol.


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2022
all this game needs is a little push/effort, and passion for the next acts and it can sail its way to victory.
idea for the next act(s): the cataclysm can be just a way for more reptilian like naga people to join the world....
if you didn't go the naga route: while you rule the kingdom: there can be sub events, or plot that advances your way to the end where you lead prosperous armies/bellathorne's relatives come to fight you(regardless of if you kill or imprison him.
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Mar 28, 2017
So is maelys braindead or something? I'm at the part where she wants to have a naga, does she recover from this in there recent patches or should I turn back now?


Active Member
Jul 26, 2017
So is maelys braindead or something? I'm at the part where she wants to have a naga, does she recover from this in there recent patches or should I turn back now?
I think is more suuuuuuper dressed or something. She got her soul snu snud by the dragon.
Also does anyone know if this path will have happy ending?
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