I've said it many times here: the critical resource in game development isn't time or money, it's developer enthusiasm. People should consider whether they are adding to, or subtracting from, that resource with their comments. Constructive criticism adds enthusiasm. Destructive criticism depletes enthusiasm. Even compliments needs to be focused to add enthusiasm: what, exactly, did you like, and why. "Great game" doesn't.
Nothing depletes enthusiasm from everyone on the board like whining. Don't be that poster.
Yes...and no.
I've used this analogy a lot but games developing is very much like any other creative activity that can be turned into an income(writing stories, drawing/painting, making films, etc), a lot depends on the reason behind the making of the product and why the artist/developer is making it in the first place.
dglnds stated that they're doing it for themselves. They didn't make this game for potential income and it sounds like they could easily have made it without sharing it and got mostly the same feelings from it being created as they have in sharing the game. Essentially, they made this game for themselves and have shared it to others. For people like this dev, negative responses "shouldn't" matter aside from putting them off sharing any more games even if they go on to make them.
Then you have creators who are doing it (whether they know/admit it or not) for the ego boost. You'll spot these people easily because they'll lap up all the posts about how much what they've made is great/loved but either shoot down or massively react to any negative criticism no matter how warranted it is. These are game devs who ignore the players who keep complaining about quality of life issues or bugs that are never improved even if the dev keeps bringing new stuff out. They aren't actively trying to improve their game for the players.
The fanfic world is full of these types of people who claim "don't like, don't read." Devs will say "don't like, don't play" without caring if the reason behind the not liking is legit or not.
Posting complaints here is usually an okay thing if they're done respectfully but with the caveat of accepting they'll probably be ignored since you aren't kissing the dev's ass. I've seen a few devs on here who continuously ignore any negative posts in the threads even if their general attitude isn't arrogant.
The last big group are those who are looking to make a career out of it. These shouldn't be confused with the first group who are lucky enough to make a living out of making something they are making for their own benefit. No, these devs are actively engaging with their supporters/player base, releasing promos/early access content to people who give them money, taking suggestions from Patreon tiers and generally act like one-man-band professional studios.
And they should expect the entire range of posts even if this includes distasteful/horror or outright rude/trolling ones. They're doing it as a business and get treated the way people treat businesses. Either with love or disrespect depending on customer service. So a player
It's not fair on the good devs/creators who get lumbered with the bad comments/posts but, to be fair, there are enough problem devs who take the piss out of players that a lot of people treat all the devs as one group just to make it easier on themselves.
And no, getting a game for free or being a subscriber does not magically change how much a person's opinion on the quality of the product is. Those who don't subscribe/give money shouldn't have to suffer silently if they find problems with something someone is sharing just because it was free. Not if the product isn't being done purely for the maker's pleasure.