Several points raised above. Not going to try and quote, it would be too messy.
Also not meaning ANY disrespect to any poster if I say something contradictory.
1: Source material being what it is, the lower generation you are, the more powerful your Potential is, as well as more powerful Base starting point.
2: Referencing same material- Most powerful generation is Generation 1 (One). That being is Caine. 3rd human. First murderer.
3: We know that Sharon has Fortitude almost certainly, and is probably her most developed discipline. She survived a mauling in the woods from something more powerful than the Feral Nos, (Wight in the source material parlance). She also has Domination and some amount of Presence. Domination is the Green script. In less developed states, all usage of domination require eye contact, and Sharon's mind trick with the green script is all eye contact. Her attracting attention ability is very Presence like.
4: Sharon is 70-71 years old. (born in 1948). Thus she has some anachronisms such as poor computer usage, can't drive, likes men in suits etc. She is older than a fledgling and is in the mainstream age for most vampires active in modern nights stated in source material as Ancilla. This means she likely is well developed in one or two disciplines, reasonable attributes and skills, but nothing to write home about. She probably only has her 3 clan disciplines (Fortitude, Presence, Domination) (Yup Ventrue). And of those probably Fortitude is highest, Domination next, and Presence last.
4a: By and large, no vampire has encyclopedic knowledge of clans outside their own clan, and some do not even know their own clan well. By source material verbiage a vampire that doesn't know their lineage, sire, and other important social information are referred to as mongrels, Catiff, Thin Bloods, etc. Thus Eloise disdain for the MC. (BY the Way, I would LOVE to see Eloise SHIT herself when she finds out who the MC is... Eloise is old school Ventrue and so clan and generation and standing means everything) In any case, it is perfectly reasonable that Sharon, who is not that old and experienced yet, is going to have a healthy skeptical outlook for anything that is not generically visible in the places she might frequent and the vampires she knows of. So no- Sharon shouldn't have a clue about the MC. He is clearly something unusual, she just doesn't know what yet.
5: Blood Bond/Thralling- There is nothing that would prevent a lesser powered vampire from thralling a more powerful vampire. As a matter of fact, that is a constant worry, as it is the lesser of two evils for dramatic power increase of a young vampire. They other being Amaranth aka Diablerie aka Snacking the more powerful lower generation vampire down for dinner.
6: Vision Girl- about 100% sure she is a Methuselah for the MC line. NOTE Antediluvian and Methuselah are not interchangeable even if said Methuselah pre-dates the Noetic Flood. Methuselahs are generation 4 and 5 vampires whose unlife has exceeded 1000 years. She won't be the clan founder, unless this is going to be an apocalyptic story. (meaning also not the original vampire, and gen 0 doesn't exist. Gen 1 is Caine or whomever LovesBlondes says it is)
7: Hunters, names of vampires, and notoriety-
The hunter lass Carmen gave us Astrid on a silver platter, and both Merrick and Sharon said the same thing. Probably just pulled the name of a more famous vampire out of group of names they suspect are vampires to sow dissent.
Not a stupid assumption. Is a very easy fix.
MC simply has to say a couple things and Sharon will cave.
A-the male hunter referred to the MC as the minnow. How would he know that?? Vampires are vampires unless someone knows something.
B- spare the minnow but kill the girl. Again, pretty specific. It is on the MC for not mentioning these things.
C- Scottsville is 2 hours 1 way from town, how or why did Astrid catch a hunter that Sharon "missed" just to announce that to the court, (super stupid unless she thinks that Sharon is toast anyway-even then what plausible reason does she have for being out in Scottsville in the area of the creepy hospital?)
8: Sorcery, Necromancy, Thaumaturgy, pick a magic type you like aside, There is definitely something creeping around in the background of the woods... Thinking about what hit Sharon.... If it was a 9ft tall half a ton of raging werewolf, there would have been tracks. On the other hand, there are gifts to remove tracks. The claw marks are not hugely deep, but there are several of them. Werewolf claws are major mojo and even with scratches could do serious damage...MC claws did do something pretty damned serious to one of Marcius's flunkies with just a scratch... My thought processes are somewhat headed along this line- Calisto, Fabian, Cindy???, and MC presumably share traits. Fabian is older, and stronger than the MC, but may well be same lineage or super close. In source material lore:
A-Most Non vampiric shape shifters can take on a battle form that does more damage than any of their other forms, and is a hybrid humanized version. Most are larger than human. Most are stronger, Most are faster, and Most are deadlier than your run of the mill Elder vampire in physical combat.
B- Vampire clans that have some disciplines to mimic a war form are also more deadly than the average elder vampire in physical combat.
C- Wolf boys aka Gangrel have been ruled out by Markus, and they do not have access early on to the kinds of disciplines our MC is displaying.
D-Tzimisce can take on a brutalizing war form, fully capable of wrecking Sharon quickly and easily even with a lot of Fortitude. They also have sorcery. They also have mental powers. They are aristocratic and noble in their own way.
Hard not to wander that way in my head....
Well enough for now. Need more coffee!