ok genealogy as best as we can guess based on a lot of theory crafting and hints.
It appears that the Ancients are occupying 2 positions in the world.
First-insanely powerful vampires
Second-the sources of the Myths for the pantheons of Gods. In the case of our city we are in, most are Greco-Roman in nature.
Astrid is one stand out as her name can be tied to Norse mythology.
If we use the Greek Pantheon as a rough guide, you would have the Titans as the Second Generation. Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hera would be 3rd generation, or because of diablerie could be second generation. Artemis, aka Vision Girl, would be 4th most likely..... the idea of her as a 3rd gen is apocalyptic in scope, and her being a 4-5k year old 4th gen is not much better.
Calisto would be 5th generation, either childe, or may as well be childe of Artemis, as she historically was her high priestess and divine from both sides of the blood. She would also be 3-5k years old as well. We know from Fabian, who is likely descended through Apollo->Hecate->Fabian with Zeus as the common tie to Calisto's line which would be Zeus->Artemis->Calisto, with Apollo and Artemis being twins in Greek mythology, Artemis the slightly elder of the two.
This would make the MC 6th generation, as Fabian would be as well.
Understand that this is pure mental masturbation on the part of all of us, but it makes sense at least as far as it goes. Hera cursed Calisto in Greek mythology to the form of the Bear, and Calisto is tied to Lycanas who presumably is also one of the bloodline founders for the wolf bloods as Markus calls them. We know Calisto has a more powerful form of the Protean Claws than the wolf boys has which of course would be fitting for a huge as Ursa Major figure.
We know from Fabian that Calisto had bred before, and apparently something happened which caused the idea of her doing that again, to be shocking to Fabian. That ties in again to Greek mythology as Hera had set up typical vengeance type shit for Calisto as she was a nymph who lost her virginity and bore Zeus yet another child. This Childe attempted to kill Calisto in mythology, but was stopped by Zeus who put both the hunter and mother in the stars as Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. In vampire argot this would lead one to think her first childe tried to destroy and or diablerize her, but failed and now she has sired the MC.
3rd Gen vampire, 2nd Gen vampires and the founder all are beyond the basic statistic system. They are so powerful that it defies the imagination. As an example, as screwed up as WW End Times books were, Ravnos rose up in Pakistan, and took some nukes, which only succeeded in pissing him off. It took the concerted efforts of the Mage Technocracy to take him out, (in theory because Ravnos is the master of Illusions) by using space based mirrors to fry him with the sun. That has all been more or less disavowed by those who count as far as establishing Canon, since Requiem failed utterly, so they rebooted Masquerade in the 5th edition format, which has a protracted Gehenna event going on in the cradle of civilization, and elders are being summoned by something called The Beckoning. It seems limited to 8th generation or lower vampires at least 300 years of age. All others seem to be beneath the level of the call.
4th generation vampires who are of decent age will have 9 dots in each attribute. Each dot roughly represents a doubling of capability of the dot before it, so yeah, with modern vampires capped at 5 dots for 8th generation and higher, it pretty much means that a 4th gen would annihilate mounds of their younger kindred. 5th generation are capped at 8 dots. 6th generation at 7 dots and 7th generation at 6 dots. This applies to knowledge, skills and abilities, attributes such as strength and stamina, or intelligence and Charisma etc, as well as in their blood powers called disciplines. At 6 dots and higher, some truly spectacular effects are possible with disciplines. So our MC is in theory a 6th generation vampire. He is very young, but gets a huge boost based on sire, so he could in fact have some powers at insane levels, and some attributes.
Think of it like this....
Captain America has 5s in all physical attributes. He is the epitome of the max human. Someone like the Beast, or perhaps Spiderman would be 6 dots in physical traits, and mental traits and social traits, possibly that is.... The next step up from a Spiderman or Beast is pretty scary. That would be our MC, and his Sire would be up in those cosmic levels of power, with Artemis being deity level of power.
Hope this helps.