I will keep HOPING for what I think is the most interesting scenario.
A simple act of randomness on Calisto pursue her to create MC. Now, being Calisto's child and whatever is MC connection to Artemis, a new potential very powerful pawn* that unleashes a butterfly effect on the vampire politics, radically changing the scenario. Getting more and more powerful, MC starts pushing unexpected change and results very unexpected. In particular, Artemis felt whatever he felt from MC, so she is going to use him, not necessarily as something extraordinary, as it is clear she is using everything she can (Frank the nos, for example).
Arigon for me MC is a pawn that with time will become a powerful Queen, of who I do not know
I prefer B. While MC's embrace being part of a plan can still be undone by the plan going to hell, Astrid having a pp is a one ticket to hell.