VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Red Lucy [v0.9] [LeFrench]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I dont mean the gorgeous models. This first chapter makes an impact.
    Play it with music. It really sets the tone and it´s awesome!

    I´ll be honest: i like incest as a fantasy but it´s too porny here. The characters become instantly sexual. That´s not how incest works as a fantasy. It´s not forbidden, there´s no guilt, no taboo.

    If this game had proper incest or if it didnt have any of it, it would be going for the title of best newcomer together with the miss piggy and the statue...

    Dont get me wrong. it´s still 5 stars and i cant wait for chapter 2.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    A real gem that actually feels like a mature story (subject disregarded)

    Renders are great and characters feel original.

    Good balance between dialogues and "action" and a nice playlist to set the mood.

    Looking foward to more!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    10/10 Renders
    10/10 Ambience
    --/10 Story (will put the score when the game is finished, but for now is very promising)

    This might be the first game that I put money into. I really hope the dev is able to finish withou compromising the quality over time.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Everything about this game is just where it needs to be.

    Considering the tags that can be applied to it, the choice of rendering sofware and the engine it's great. This could be considered the gold standard for this type of game in general.

    Attention to detail is good not just with rendering but, also things like facial expressions and even the expressiveness of hands. The body language is a real part of this game, it's not simply a case of someone playing with digital barbie dolls for fun and profit like a lot of what's on offer.

    The themes present are well done all things considered. It moves fast and I hope if the dev intends to make this a long project they revisit and fill in how John and Kat are SO close from the start. It's good as is for a shorter project though.

    The music is well selected and unexpected. I used to listen to some of this stuff on the radio back and forth to school and I still do. Very good covers!

    Nat is the best part of the whole game. I'm rarely so thoroughly charmed by character in a game (especially an adult game) however she's amazingly well assembled by every definition of the word!

    When given the option to look down for a peek at her tits, they were very nice of course. But the next slide with just her smiling at the camera really sells her for me, what a beauty! I'm really looking forward to more with her.

    Don't get me wrong the rest of the girls are very interesting and I look forward to more. So good luck LeFrench.

    Oh yeah, The was very nicely handled. I don't sweat mistakes enough to say if there even were any, but the actual dialog is a cut above in form and function. Seriously! GOLD STANDARD!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The story itself is complicated. But the author uses a masterful narrative.
    The pacing is very fast while each scene is clearly stated.
    The overall picture looks good, but the game is small. It shows that the author understands what gamers want and doesn't blindly pursue high resolution picture quality.
    The female characters are very recognisable and I can feel that each one was carefully created by the author.
    This game has the potential to be a short masterpiece, if the author doesn't give up halfway.
  6. 4.00 star(s)

    Alea iacta est

    Render are top notch..
    Plot story is digestible.
    Corruption and overall sex are very vanilla design to satisfy all snowflakes around.

    But despite is not my taste , the game is well developed and the vanilla sex is well represented with good long series of images/animation... that is the key for a well written adult game.

    Well done dev!!!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the renders, but the music is second to none. This makes it stand out from the rest. I like. I look forward to more, I can't wait. I'm very curious! I don't usually review games, but with "Red Lucy" I had to make an exception. Nice work! Keep it up! :) (y)
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    There is something special there, indeed. Maybe it's the french touch ;) Even i'm not into cest or milfs, there is something really soft going on in this game. Even the grandpa is relaxing. Cant really describe it, it s more a feeling. Also. THE MUSIC. I definitely have some common memories with the author, they hit the spot exactly where it s supposed to. I noticed a lot of attention into textures, skin texture or clothings. It s not so often. Feels real. I ll definitely keep an eye on this game. Merci Beaucoup.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This AVN is remarkable.

    Renders, cinematics, dialogue and its choices makes you feel like you'll really have to think twice before you progress.

    It's like lingering curiosity on its character whether they will like your actions or not.
    It feels short but you know for a fact that this type of VN will make you crave for even more.

    Top notch quality and unique LI's. Setting is quite good as well.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an amazing game, everything looks damn near perfect and the story really gets you going too, not to mention it doesnt take long before you see some good content. It was pretty sad that it ended so fast, only an hour or so of gameplay, im already waiting for the next updates, and cant wait till it finishes.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Red Lucy (v0.6) is one of the best games I've played. The graphics are sumptuous, I find that the graphic work is done with detail, meticulousness and care. I am thinking in particular of skin and clothing. The story is not so banal, there are things left unsaid in a family, it's the common thread, a plot that is still not revealed and which makes me want to continue the story.
    I'm not denying that the sexual animations make me follow the development of this story. I was pleasantly surprised by the music used, there was work to make the moment immersive and pleasant.

    The points to improve would be (game v.06): the connections of certain scenes, that lack of links or transitions.

    Thank for this story Mr LeFrench.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    One of THE best incest games, coming from someone who has played shit ton of them! I love it; and highly recommend it!
    *spoiler alert*
    The characters are in love with each other which I really like, there is a complex story about MCs father which worries me a little but the dev has promised no ntr so I am hopeful and eagerly waiting for the next update.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Deserves 5 Stars and then some!

    This is one of those VN's that feels like you're in a dream. A good dream I might add.. A very, good dream.

    Top tier artwork, renders and animations. Mind blowingly super hot, hyper realistic Women. (Not for the faint of heart) Lol, truly amazing game so far. And, I can't wait to see more!

    Love the plot, gameplay feels ultra smooth, not rushed. Perfect pace. I recommend this game to all Men of Culture!

    Thank You, Dev!!!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The renders/models are simply excellent, there's great character development and depth, and the story progresses much more quickly than most games on this site.
    This is not a slow-burn type of story where characters slowly become corrupted. It's a "let's get to the sex scenes quicker" type of story that does not sacrifice its deep emotional core.
    Instead of withholding sexual content in order to milk supporters, the developer embraces the game's taboo nature, and uses it as a starting point to explore more mature themes.
    Do yourself a favor and check it out - you won't be disappointed.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Game version: 0.6

    "Girl, normally I don't stutter, but you d..d..d..did it to me!" - Random lyrics as an intro for this game :D
    I don't feel like writing a long and detailled review, so I'm breaking it down:

    Quality: :- Renders: 6/5 :- Sound: 4/5 :- Story:- 3/5
    Content: :- Lewdness-Text-Ratio: 4/5 (the more the better)

    What I really liked: The overall quality of the renders. The resolution is so high you can even recognise the hairs on the skin! The animations are golden, too: Fluid, no visible transition from the last picture to the first.

    What I didn't like: The gallery. I do like the still images (they are pure art, no doubt!), but I'm missing a replay option for the (and only!) lewd scenes. There is already enough content to doing so.
    The very last sex scene has some very bad camera angles. While the still images are of high quality as always, the animations are somewhat reduced to only 2 short loops: The grinding on the MC's d*ck while sitting and the missionary. The grinding scene has too little frames, so the movement is barely visible. The missionary scene is alright, but both loops have too few (rather bad) camera angles.

    I'd really like to see more variety in camera angles in future sex scenes, if possible. The developer has both the skills and the means to do so ;-)

    Overall this is one of the highest quality games in terms of render and sound quality I have ever played.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    When it comes to the renders and animations, asesthetically Red Lucy is a work of art. There's genuine skill in the scenery and atmosphere, bravo bravo.

    Though I found that the story and the characters were rather dull. Plus it's a little on the nose you know? There's no real buildup and little reason as to why things are happening so fast. Perhaps that'll be revealed in future updates but it's like shoving pussy up your face when you were expecting a peanut butter sandwich.

    MC is a meh main character, and I always found him to have a punchable face so that didn't help.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Red Lucy [v0.6]

    I like this game, it has incest and milfs. The renders and animations look really good, I was surprised by some details in the models. The dialogue and story are okay. Right now the game is a bit short and doesn't really have a lot of sex scenes, but it looks promising. My only shtick with the game was the music, which is a rather key element in the game particularly because the MC is sort of a musician. I recognized almost all the songs, however some of the scenes felt weird with happy go lucky acoustic guitar in the background. I wish the game had some more generic sexy music. Other than that, I'll be looking forward to the future updates. WATCHED.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Hello everyone, i have decided to write a review for this game because i think this game should be more well known. So here it goes, first lets start with renders, they are just amazing the lightning, the angles, the quality of them they are just perfect. The story is progressing nicely, slowly but nicely. The music is also great, it fits perfectly in every scene. And lastly the ladies are just gorgeous, all of them. For me especially Anna is just breathtaking, the body, the eyes, the hair(redhead) everything is just jaw droppingly beautiful. So my conclusion is that this is one of the best VN games here. So LeFrench keep up the good work and i can't wait for more updates.

    PS: Just so you know English isn't my first language. Sorry for any mistake i made writing this review.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    This has godly renders, camera angles, animations... and would be an easy 5 BUT why the hell is this an incest VN or just a VN really, instead of a high quality 3d render slide show? There's literally no build up and the characters go at it after 3 scenes.

    I'm lowering my score from what would be a clear 5 to 3 because the story and character development after 5 updates, or better said, the lack of them, are a bad sign for me. And well, this is not a VN without that.

    I can only see 2 possible answers to this:
    1. Somehow the story will be told as flashbacks in future updates, which is very weird for a game that is released update by update.
    2. The dev only made this an incest "story" in order to get some sweet money given how popular the fetish is here. The thing is, he is hiding the game in a website behind patreon in order not to get banned, so why even make it incest in the first place then?

    The dev is clearly very fucking talented, given the insane quality of the renders and can earn THE MONEY just by selling batches of renders, taking commissions or something like that. There's really no reason to do this in a visual novel format if you are not going to put effort in the story and characters.
  20. 4.00 star(s)



    now, renders are off the charts. facial expressions, backgrounds, attention to every detail....yes it's at least equal to the best i have seen. nothing i write here will add to the high praise, i have no doubt (not read other reviews yet), others here have given in lavish detail.
    i'm no expert but this was stunning to look at.

    i have more to say but not first without talking about my favourite part of a VN. yes i love the N over the V and this one falls a little short there so far.

    it's NOT in the dialogue as it is excellently written.

    if you take the story and writing alone this has almost no hook and relies on subtle hints to create future intrigue as a hook. you want to know what is in hiding and how it will all play out.....well that is what we are meant to feel.

    quite honestly, for me at least, it doesn't. BUT, and this is WHY i rate this so highly, despite currently lacking the writing hook, the developer uses their artistic talent to keep the reader pulled in by allowing the pictures to tell some of the story.

    just for me, at this stage, the story is just not yet far enough along in it's opening to have me engrossed. the art certainly does.

    when the story progresses to really involve it's plot devices i will no doubt be raising this to max review score, but for this stage i don't feel the same anticipation as i do for others here i enjoy reading.

    i know i should, yet i'm still just nibbling the worm