The game loves to bug during the xxx scenes, making them impossible to advance/exit (animation continues, but Next button disappeared, or the next plot animation+text didn't show up).
I also noticed that speedhack "N" makes the scenes much more likely to bug.
So I had to Alt+F4 the game and start again, so I fast forwarded the intro by N (build-in fast button) and the MC's sprite disappeared for a moment as if it wasn't loaded on time. This time "space" button didn't work and I was stuck in intro.
First time it happened when the craftsman's wife was raping the MC ( Alexstrasza x 2 Mana Wyrm then futa) and after the scene teh camera jumped to bed (wake up scene), but the mc was still in the middle of the room being fucked by 2 Draenei...
Makes you want not to play the game.