[Ren'Py] SU Re-Imagined, an UNOFFICIAL Proof of Concept Ren'Py Demo - Community Development Thread

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Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
OK, so I figured out what Lex's 'relaxation' focus outfit bonus is...


The Fatigue thing was there before, and will be implemented when I finally tackle Lex fatigue...

The -20% to henchmen hiring costs is the new thing. This does NOT apply to weekly/daily retainers, only the initial hiring cost. And of course, ONLY when Lex has the Relaxation focus active.

I'm thinking that Lex goes out for a beer with whichever hench(wo)man he is hiring, and ends up getting a discount...

Just another small lever to pull amongst many...
Min-maxers will probably love all of this new stuff to think about!

Huntress' layeredimage conversational sprite has been coded, and hopefully will be put to good use soon. No sex scenes yet, but it's a start...

I 'moved' the 'if Lex has stuff to do in the labs' check to the main Lexcorp Sublevels screen, which will automatically redirect Lex to the labs if say he needs to work on stuff for Stargirl, Supergirl, Lois, if Harley is expected, etc...

This is mainly to alleviate the player needing to remember this stuff, but of course you'll still need to go to Lexcorp to activate the triggers...

I haven't had any luck tracking down the bugs that Macfinn99 mentioned in my playtesting, but I am looking over the code. Nothing seems amiss that I can see, but I'm still looking...
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Jun 20, 2017
Yeah, I've noted a bit of weirdness with Lois/Harley on my end as well, so I need to look over my routines there and see if I can figure out what's going on.

As for the 3.5 billion dollars glitch, I have no idea how that could have happened. I'll look at the income routines, but I've never encountered that one myself in my many many playthroughs, and income is one of those things that I don't mess with much. This is a long shot, but did you adust the income difficulty settings?


Sooo, apparently I was living under a rock or something when this happened...

View attachment 2693945

So there's the animated cartoon version, Erotica Jones, voiced and drawn to emulate Pamela Anderson, and Exotica Jones, the gal above.

View attachment 2693966

In any case, I think I remember someone mentioning to me at some point in the past that Stan Lee had a stripper character (probably multiple characters) but yeah I missed this boat entirely. I don't collect comic books so not surprising, but still..

ANYWAYS, so one of my new goals is to introduce Exotica AND Erotica Jones at some point, but this of course comes down to coming up with 'suitably SR7-ified' artwork. My idea is that FUGG (the agency that Stripperella works for) gets taken over by CADMUS or something, and Ms. Jones (both probably) aren't 'onboard' with the new management and end up approaching Roulette and ask to work at the GS, and eventually is/are 'convinced' to do the MB thing as well...

There's a pipeline route I could take to set up some 'source art' for the AI render types to play around with, but it'd be a bit before I could get that going, as I'd have to create both characters and their respective costumes in Daz Studio first and then hand off the renders to be Lorafied, that would take a bit of time though...

Anyways, yeah I'd definitely like to see Exotica and Erotica Jones incorporated into SU ReImagined at some point! Could be fun...
Would Stripperella be captured or hired? Would she be working GS & MB as one of the girls or would she be a trainer of some sort? I would love to see her as a boss of some sort like Roulette or Catwoman, maybe running a training school. After all, you will probably need to have someone train all of those Amazons later in the game and maybe some "Cosplayers", . . .
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Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Meanwhile, in the Hall of Justice...


I've been wanting to add two new map locations for a while, so I finally decided to take a crack at it!

These would essentially be for modders to play around with, i.e. new heists and such.

I'd say that Lex has serious case of Penis Envy, but then we've all seen what he's packing in SU...

Anyways, quick update:

So the next release is going to be 0.27.5. I thought about calling it 027c, but I've made a number of changes and such over the last several weeks. I don't think it's 0.28 worthy, as I'd like to introduce another location in 0.28, i.e. more Labs stuff, the Meta Bordello, something like that for 0.28. But yeah, a number of tweaks under the hood.

So, here's the current Changelog for the upcoming 0.27.5 release...

1) Additional tweaks to the Talashop main screen and Talashop routines.

- I moved 'New Girl info' completely onto the main screen, and removed the choice menu option as:​
  • It's now redundant and
  • It's much quicker to just click on the relevant girl icon when shown, so might as well get people into the habit now...
- The other change is changing the layout so that the rooms are in a single column on the right side of the screen now. Note that the rooms won't show up until Tala's shop is upgraded to Level 3.​
- I've reworked/added checks for Zatanna, Vixen and Wonder Woman so that when an item or research is completed, Zatanna will tell you this when you first enter the shop, as she has been doing when you bring her artifacts and such. This also involved a bit editing of the .rpy files for Zatanna, Vixen and Wonder Woman to clean up the recruit progression routines.​

2) Tweaks the Lexcorp Labs 'working on project' dialogues:

- There was an issue where you could bypass the Kryptonite heist by just going to the labs first. Fixed.​
- I also added a routine that will move Supergirl to the back of Lex's Recruit List if you haven't completed the Kryptonite heist yet, and allow the 'next girl' to step up. The Lab events are set up so that only one event can successfully fire each night, hence the need for this...​

3) Am currently adding the 'first time hire' dialogues for the current henchmen. I'm also creating/photobashing a few new conversational sprites for these interactions as needed.5

4) Changes to the Citymap:
- The map change shown above. Note that Wayne Enterprises and the Hall of Justice won't be implemented as visit-able locations until new content is created for those locations, so this is mainly 'placeholder' stuff for now.​
- The Yacht is also now a clickable location, although you can't do anything there yet.​
- Added 'notification' icons for when events are cued up in various locations (see example below). An exclamation point icon indicates something important, while a question mark indicates new information or something else of interest ... Note that usually only a couple of icons may show up, the example below is just showing off that notification icons are available for all locations, if the associated check variable is flagged. Also note that the Lexcorp offices aren't activated yet, as the associated Mercy content hasn't been transcribed/coded yet...​

5) Huntress is now 'Lexcorp Quarters' eligible. Only the first few conversations have been coded so far, thanks Straze !

6) A number of bugfixes.

7) A couple of changes to Lex's focus options:
- Lex's 'Relaxation' outfit will now lower henchmen hiring costs (not retainers though) by 20% when that focus is chosen. This can help with the early game cash flow situation a bit...​
- Swapped the artwork for two of Lex's outfits. The green jumpsuit is now tied to Construction, while the Purple shirt outfit is now tied to Clandestine operations. This made more sense to me, and I remember seeing Lex in the purple jumpsuit in one of the animated movies while he was on a covert op, so there's precedent for this.​

8) Assigning a villain to Lexcorp Security will now reduce the threat level each night by -10 instead of -5, plus that henchman's threat modifier of course!

9) The Glamour Slam and Meta Bordello income levels have been adjusted upward slightly.

10) Adjusted Roulette's outfit choice options so that she only appears naked in the Office. The 'naked' button in the costume picker will go from semi-transparent to fully opaque to show when Lex prefers to see Roulette naked during office interactions.

11) Huntress now has Lexcorp Quarters content. Just a few conversation scenes for now...

12) Probably a couple of other things, I lose track of this stuff if I don't post about it...

Anyways, so the plan is to release 0.27.5 sometime this week...

Feedback is always welcome!
Back to it!
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Jun 20, 2017
Meanwhile, in the Hall of Justice...

View attachment 2708208

I've been wanting to add two new map locations for a while, so I finally decided to take a crack at it!

These would essentially be for modders to play around with, i.e. new heists and such.

I'd say that Lex has serious case of Penis Envy, but then we've all seen what he's packing in SU...

Anyways, quick update:

So the next release is going to be 0.27.5. I thought about calling it 027c, but I've made a number of changes and such over the last several weeks. I don't think it's 0.28 worthy, as I'd like to introduce another location in 0.28, i.e. more Labs stuff, the Meta Bordello, something like that for 0.28. But yeah, a number of tweaks under the hood.

So, here's the current Changelog for the upcoming 0.27.5 release...

1) Additional tweaks to the Talashop main screen.

- I moved 'New Girl info' completely onto the main screen, and removed the choice menu option as:​
  • It's now redundant and
  • It's much quicker to just click on the relevant girl icon when shown, so might as well get people into the habit now...
- The other change is changing the layout so that the rooms are in a single column on the right side of the screen now. Note that the rooms won't show up until Tala's shop is upgraded to Level 3.​

2) Tweaks the Lexcorp Labs 'working on project' dialogues:

- There was an issue where you could bypass the Kryptonite heist by just going to the labs first. Fixed.​
- I also added a routine that will move Supergirl to the back of Lex's Recruit List if you haven't completed the Kryptonite heist yet, and allow the 'next girl' to step up. The Lab events are set up so that only one event can successfully fire each night, hence the need for this...​

3) Am currently adding the 'first time hire' dialogues for the current henchmen. I'm also creating/photobashing a few new conversational sprites for these interactions as needed.

4) The map change above. Note that Wayne Enterprises and the Hall of Justice won't be implemented as visit-able locations until new content is created for those locations, so this is mainly 'placeholder' stuff for now.

5) Huntress is now 'Lexcorp Quarters' eligible. Only the first few conversations have been coded so far, thanks Straze !

6) A number of bugfixes.

7) Lex's 'Relaxation' outfit will now lower henchmen hiring costs (not retainers though) by 20% when that focus is chosen. This can help with the early game cash flow situation a bit...

8) Assigning a villain to Lexcorp Security will now reduce the threat level each night by -10 instead of -5, plus that henchman's threat modifier of course!

9) I may bump up the Glamour Slam and Meta Bordello 'base' income by say 10% in the next update. I've been experimenting via the Income Difficulty modifier, and this seems reasonable...

10) Adjusted Roulette's outfit choice options so that she only appears naked in the Office. The 'naked' button in the costume picker will go from semi-transparent to fully opaque to show when Lex prefers to see Roulette naked during office interactions.

11) Probably a couple of other things, I lose track of this stuff if I don't post about it...

Anyways, so the plan is to release 0.27.5 sometime this week...

Feedback is always welcome!
Back to it!
You might want to add Lana and Darci to the Lexcorp quarters rather than keeping them in the cells. Was there ever a conflict/rivalry between Mercy & Darci that could be exploited? Are we going to add Cat Grant to the capture list? (I'm never certain what SR7 is going to add to SU next, . . . )

Adding a Hall of Justice to the Map is a great idea. It will allow for some interesting things to happen in the future, including some really heavy duty heists initially, (shift the blame to Grodd?) (BTW, I assume that across the water on the map is Gotham, . . . Why are there no bridges? It would be neat to randomly see the Bat Signal over Gotham, . . . ) Just noticed, why is Wayne Enterprises in Metropolis instead of Gotham across the river?

IMO, the incomes at the Slam are just about right and you can adjust the amount in the difficulty level. However, the incomes at Meta Bordello are 10 to 20 times higher than the Slam and allow for too rapid of an income accumulation. It takes away from the progress that you make at the Slam and through heists... I think the Bordello incomes should only be about 2X to 5X than the Slam incomes. ( Unless the 10X to 20X higher incomes on my game are a glitch, . . . then NM, . . . )

That brings up another point. You're making all this money at the GS & MB, . . . What are you going to use it for? There should be some sort of game management goals for when you hit some sort of Dollar Benchmarks. There were some early on for when you hit $100,000 and $1,000,000 but nothing afterwards say at $50M or $100M. Maybe get your yacht out of hock and refurbish it, Buy your own island with nude beach and pleasure resort, run for president, Establish a second hideout/base, make a hostile takeover bid to buy Wayne Enterprises or Oliver Queens Company or Ferris Aircraft and restart their spaceship program. What's the use of making all that money if you don't plan to use it?

BTW, the Pleasure Resort Island could be another Income producing source, (just so long as everybody visiting doesn't turn into donkeys, . . . or gorillas, that's Grodd's fetish)
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Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Here's how the map will look in the next update:


The Meta Bordello icons were bothering me, so I reworked that part of the map and the associated icons. The HOJ and Wayne Enterprises just have placeholder 'nothing to do here right now' messages, until such time as content is created for those locations...

Note that Wayne Enterprises most probably has 'satellite' offices in other cities, it's a pretty big corporation. so having an office in Metropolis 69 isn't at all unusual... Also, the alternate backstory I have in mind will include reasoning r.e. why a bunch of Heroines and such are suddenly hanging out in Metropolis 69...

You might want to add Lana and Darci to the Lexcorp quarters rather than keeping them in the cells. Was there ever a conflict/rivalry between Mercy & Darci that could be exploited? Are we going to add Cat Grant to the capture list? (I'm never certain what SR7 is going to add to SU next, . . . )

Adding a Hall of Justice to the Map is a great idea. It will allow for some interesting things to happen in the future, including some really heavy duty heists initially, (shift the blame to Grodd?) (BTW, I assume that across the water on the map is Gotham, . . . Why are there no bridges? It would be neat to randomly see the Bat Signal over Gotham, . . . ) Just noticed, why is Wayne Enterprises in Metropolis instead of Gotham across the river?

IMO, the incomes at the Slam are just about right and you can adjust the amount in the difficulty level. However, the incomes at Meta Bordello are 10 to 20 times higher than the Slam and allow for too rapid of an income accumulation. It takes away from the progress that you make at the Slam and through heists... I think the Bordello incomes should only be about 2X to 5X than the Slam incomes. ( Unless the 10X to 20X higher incomes on my game are a glitch, . . . then NM, . . . )

That brings up another point. You're making all this money at the GS & MB, . . . What are you going to use it for? There should be some sort of game management goals for when you hit some sort of Dollar Benchmarks. There were some early on for when you hit $100,000 and $1,000,000 but nothing afterwards say at $50M or $100M. Maybe get your yacht out of hock and refurbish it, Buy your own island with nude beach and pleasure resort, run for president, Establish a second hideout/base, make a hostile takeover bid to buy Wayne Enterprises or Oliver Queens Company or Ferris Aircraft and restart their spaceship program. What's the use of making all that money if you don't plan to use it?

BTW, the Pleasure Resort Island could be another Income producing source, (just so long as everybody visiting doesn't turn into donkeys, . . . or gorillas, that's Grodd's fetish)
My plan for the Yacht is that Lex will need to pay to get it out of impound and refurbish it before he can schedule parties on it. After the yacht is recovered and refurbished, PR events can be scheduled at the Yacht for a nominal fee. And one of Lex's consorts will need to be put in charge of party planning for said event. That's my plan anyways...

This is an alternative to using a 'cheat menu' to repeat events on the Yacht. Now you can have as many parties as you want, as long as you can afford it, and of course Lex won't be available for other stuff when a party is scheduled (i.e. no visiting other locations on the map that night). But it'll be a bit before I even start thinking about coding/transcribing Yacht content...

I think your Meta Bordello income situation is bugged, I'm currently doing another playtest run to check this again, but so far I haven't seen the crazy income totals you've been reporting in any of my recent playtests.


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Question for the collective...

So I had a thought about map alerts, along these lines:


The idea here is that if a location has a cued up event or new info, to add either the exclamation point (if important) or a question mark (if new info about girls/etc. is available).

Regular 'dialogue progression' stuff wouldn't qualify, but say if Tala has new girl info to share, or if Lois Lane is causing you grief and you need to visit the Daily Planet...

These markers would remain until 'cleared', i.e. you visit that location, at which point they would be removed until the next event/alert/etc. activates the alert icon again. Or in Lois Lane's case, the marker would return the next night, until you actually find her at the Daily Planet.

BTW, I've added a +10% chance of finding Lois each night that she's not at the Daily Planet to the random chance threshold, so as to not drag things out excessively with bad dice rolls, in the upcoming update...

Is this notification system something that people would like to see?
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Jun 15, 2017
Is this notification system something that people would like to see?
Yes, absolutely. Especially when there are a lot of locations, I get very annoyed at games that have locations that you normally have no reason to visit, but where it suddenly becomes necessary, without warning (or if you're very lucky with an easily missed hint), to go there to get some event. Randomly clicking on everywhere to check if there might possibly be anything new gets quite tedious as the number of locations grows.


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2021
Yes, absolutely. Especially when there are a lot of locations, I get very annoyed at games that have locations that you normally have no reason to visit, but where it suddenly becomes necessary, without warning (or if you're very lucky with an easily missed hint), to go there to get some event. Randomly clicking on everywhere to check if there might possibly be anything new gets quite tedious as the number of locations grows.
Preach brother!!
It's virtually essential in any sandbox game, for precisely the reason you give.


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Yes, absolutely. Especially when there are a lot of locations, I get very annoyed at games that have locations that you normally have no reason to visit, but where it suddenly becomes necessary, without warning (or if you're very lucky with an easily missed hint), to go there to get some event. Randomly clicking on everywhere to check if there might possibly be anything new gets quite tedious as the number of locations grows.
Preach brother!!
It's virtually essential in any sandbox game, for precisely the reason you give.
That sounds pretty useful. I would really appreciate that.

I went ahead and finished implementing this idea for now.

As a quick FYI, there are now one dozen clickable citymap locations, note that later in the game there will be separate buttons for the Lexcorp Offices and Lexcorp Sublevels on the main City Map. Here's all of the map locations with alert/new info markers...


Note that the odds of having a dozen alert/info events cued up are close to nil, I'm just showing all of these icons for emphasis. Also, you probably wouldn't have alerts for closed locations, but in this current playtest screenshot three locations are currently upgrading, I just activated the alert icons for this screenshot.

Also the 'unlock Lexcorp Offices' routine hasn't been created yet, I'm just showing how the offices are being handled, note that there's already a 'greyed out' Offices button incorprated into the Lexcorp Sublevels screen.

Same for the Yacht, no Yacht content has been transcribed/coded yet.

Essentially we need a bunch of Mercy content transcribed/coded first before the offices become a thing...

Note that I'll still need to add the 'activate/deactivate triggers' thingies to a few events and locations, but otherwise they are ready to go. I've been focused on getting the 'first time hired' dialogues done for the 10 current henchmen that show up in the Legion Hideout. Mercy and Tala are permanently on the payroll already, so they don't have/need hiring dialogues...


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Sooo, I'm going to try out a significant change to Lex's outfits...


The green jumpsuit always felt more to me like a 'construction worker' outfit, and the purple shirt outfit seems more like an outfit that Lex would wear for clandestine operations, a bit more 'partisan' if you will, and never felt like a 'construction worker' outfit to me. So Lex will now start with the purple outfit in the 0.27.5 update.

the Construction outfit will show up after Lex has earned about $250,000 in revenue, as it did before.

In any case, yeah just something that always bothered me, so I want to try switching out these outfits. If people don't like it, it's easy to myself or others to change it back if it bothers people too much, although it does require renaming a few sprites, or you could drag the 0.27 guys/Lex images into the 0.27.5 guys/Lex folder and overwrite the files...

In my playtests, Lex spends by far the most time in the 'Billionaire' black Tuxedo in any case, so most of the time this change won't really matter.

In any case, I'm playtesting the new 'notification' labels now.


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
OK, as I continue to chase down minor issues with all of the latest changes, there's something that needs sayin...

We have a huge backlog of new character sprites now, and need a few good writers/coders to help incorporate these sprites in SU!

This would be entirely new content, so you wouldn't need to reassemble existing sprites. You'd just be creating new scenes with these new characters. This IS one major reason why I'm putting all of this work into ReImagined after all!

I'm currently pondering an Iris West intro for S.T.A.R. Labs, as she's going to be an 'ongoing' character for Lex to interact with (I'll come up with a placeholder for now), and we now have a few Cat Grant sprites (Jimwalrus' take on Cat, with a few suggestions from my end).

Essentially, we need 'intro' interactions for a few places, like the Daily Planet, Wayne Enterprises, the Hall of Justice, not sure which junior heroine would be doing the receptionist/guide thing at the HOJ but yeah...

Also, I'm wondering which low tier Villainess that we can add to the 'hire cue' for the Legion Hideout. The 'prison additions' are all Tier 2 or higher, and it'd be nice to have a Batgirl level villainesss, but I didn't come up with anyone suitable, all the Villainesses I found have powers/are probably Tier II or III...

Y'all have probably played the SU scenes a bajillion times at this point, so it's time for some fresh content!
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Jul 20, 2018
Also, I'm wondering which low tier Villainess that we can add to the 'hire cure' for the Legion Hideout. The 'prison additions' are all Tier 2 or higher, and it'd be nice to have a Batgirl level villainesss, but I didn't come up with anyone suitable, all the Villainesses I found have powers/are probably Tier II or III...
What of of the Batman Arkham videogames? Her abilities consist of contortionism, martial skill, and a venom she manufacturers.

There's also from the Justice League Animated series. While Katana is a superhero in many iterations, she is a villain in this one.


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
And then there were seven...


So I've been working on getting Huntress's living quarters scripts working in ReImagined, thanks again Straze for tackling those!

So now there are seven Heroines that are 'Living Quarters' eligible, which WILL require an Living Quarters upgrade to Level 2 to house all of them.

Still a ways to go until we get lots of sexy fun time quarters content, but one step at a time...

So I'm still playtesting the latest changes that I've made, but the plan is, assuming no showstoppers, to release the SU ReImagined 0.27.5 update in the next day or so for general playtesting. The current 0.27.5 changelog is HERE:

Feedback is always welcome!


Jan 2, 2018
Hi all. I have an update on the next update for SU Rebuilt, like I said, the next update will be at the end of this month, but I never said what you should expect from this update.First I want to say that this is going to be the biggest update yet.
1 A new upgrade diveci sistem Captură ecran (1110).png
Now if you want to set a character from lev 1 to lev 2 you will not need to reset the device just press the swich button.
Captură ecran (1112).png
Now you will have the option to upgrade the device +1lev per upgrade or max upgrade
2.New Post Heroines
Captură ecran (1126).png
A new post heroines, I increase the slots , now you can remove a girl if you select her and select the remove option or you can press the remove button. Every option will have his one remove button.
3.I added every scene from GS - dance,stripping,special
Captură ecran (1127).png
4.I completed = 3 cell rooms - full scenes from dance to anal
Captură ecran (1107).png
See you guys later.


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Just a quick heads up.

I was sidetracked with other stuff yesterday, so I wasn't able to finish working on the Huntress stuff. I'm essentially adding in a few animations and tweaking the dialogue slightly, thanks again Straze for coding all of that!

Anyways, so it'll be a bit longer until I drop the SU ReImagined 0.27.5 proof of concept update. Most likely it'll drop a few hours from now, I just need to finish working on a few things, do a bit more playtesting, and then run everything through the Lint checker when I package the build...

Also, in the next update (0.28) I want to update the 'enter quarters' screen where the menu shows up after the first few conversations to incorporate a screen similar to what you see in Tala's Shop, Lex's Quarters and the Glamour Slam. The screen won't be nearly as busy as the Talashop or Glamour Slam screens, as there's less stuff to track, but essentially you'll see the outfit picker at the same time as the choice menu, and maybe one or two other things. I need to ponder what all I want to show.

This might be an interesting way to add a quick sidebar noting which other characters might have extra scenes with said Heroine among other things.

In any case, this 'change' will have to wait for the 0.28 update, so for now things will be pretty much the same as before as far as Lexcorp quarters scenes are concerned.

Back to it!


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
One other quick note:

So a while back I mentioned stats. Here's the Henchmen stat chart for reference. There are a couple of minor changes in SU ReImagined, but it's very much in the ballpark!

In any case, I'd like to also include stats for the Heroines in their Lexcorp Quarters screens, but of course we don't have stats yet.

Since there might be a possibility in the future of having a Heroine 'change sides' at some point to help Lex out with stuff, well we need to figure out Heroine stats. Terra already 'changes sides' in SU Unity btw...

I found this cool 'vs' site that has some stats...

There's no 'stealth' stat but there are Strength/Speed/Intelligence/Power stats listed, so it might be a thought... that'd cover 4 of the five stats anyways!

In any case, yeah if you have thoughts on Heroine stats, feel free to discuss!
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Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
The SU ReImagined 0.27.5 Proof of Concept Demo has been uploaded!!!


Download links:



I updated a few screenshots for 0.27 a couple of weeks back, and added a few new screenshots showing off the new screens here:

Changelog is here (there have been a few changes since 0.27):

As noted, there have been a number of changes made since Version 0.27, so you definitely should start a new game from scratch so that you can playtest everything! This IS a playtest after all!

No Android version currently, let's playtest this first so that we can track down various issues, then I may reach out to the Android port types when I release 0.28 in a couple of weeks

Also, other people are working on more content atm, mainly for Stargirl, so when that content is ready I'll either add links to the updated girlpacks or perhaps add this to the 0.27a build depending on when the new content is made available.

Thanks to Straze for transcribing the first few Lexcorp Quarters scenes for Huntress!


This is a 'fan made' project that is not sanctioned by GS Games. Just a bunch of F95 Zone community members that wanted a Ren'Py version of SU to play around with, so that they can add new content, etc.

this is a PROOF OF CONCEPT demo, not a full game. As such, there's not a lot of 'sexy fun time' content included currently for most of the girls featured in this demo. Hopefully more such content will be made available via girlpacks and subsequent updates. Right now, the goal is to playtest the various gameplay mechanics and game backbone, and of course solicit feedback!

Feedback is always welcome and appreciated!


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
What next needs to be transcribed?
There's a long list, plus we need to finish the quarters content for a few of the girls as well, i.e. Batgirl, Hawkgirl, Supergirl, Zatanna, Mercy, Harley, Lois, not sure how far along Stargirl is at this point...

Not to mention the Villainess action going on in Lex's quarters...

Then there's Raven, Darci, Audrey... eventually Harley #2...

So besides Huntress and perhaps Black Canary, there are a LOT of options! If you are interested in helping, which Heroine, or Villainess, most interests you atm?
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