This game is both great, and terrible at the same time. I'll elaborate on both.
-Character models are above average.
-The story is pretty well written in terms of proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
-The story is not an obvious clone of another game, and has some originality.
-The sex scenes are nice
-The choices are very rare, and most are seemingly inconsequential. It's not until about the 10th or 15th scene (about 10 if you only count full scenes, and 15 or so if you include short segway scenes / brief exposition) until your very first choice of the game. It's a meaningless choice as most are.
-The main character Jensen is too perfect a character. By this I mean he lacks any flaws. You could argue well there is some past you gotta retrieve, and maybe that's a flaw... not really. Physically he is very handsome. He is a super nice guy. He lives in some luxury apartment with a sweet view, and owns a garage full of nice cars / motorcycles. Dude got BANK! and good looks. He is irresistible to all women. He plays the guitar too, and is hung like a horse. On top of that he always has something very profound to say & can sell a snowcone to an Eskimo. Oh, and he can kick Bruce Lee's ass. This guy makes Chad Thundercock look like Forever Alone. I bet the guys farts smell better than perfume. A CHARACTER NEEDS FLAWS TO BE A GOOD CHARACTER! Even superman had his kryptonite! He has no weaknesses at all & no flaws at all. Thus the character is completely unrelatable. If this guy takes a crap in some scene I'm willing to bet that it would come out as a perfectly edible cinnamon roll.
-There is a serious lack of realism. The guy is both irresistible to all women, plus all women are physically attractive. No women shoot him down at all, and the ones that do are on his dick like 2 minutes later. Also, there is no "Betty the obese bus driver" or "Rebecca the toothless meth addict" or "Betty the elderly grandma" or "Jailbait Jenny" trying to knock boots with him. His powers are only shown to work on physically attractive women aged 18-42.
-Too many thoughts are shown. You literally see any thought any character has. About 70-80% of the thoughts are of various women thinking "Jensen is hot I want him to fuck me." A solid chunk of the dialogue are these thoughts.
-Sex scenes are not avoidable.