3.80 star(s) 78 Votes


Feb 20, 2019
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Let me just say this, you may very well be right about everything.. but fuck me, Jensen is the absolute hottest thing I have on my screen right now, and it feels great. :love:
Please do carry on, keep making your points.
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Co-Writer: Retrieving The Past
Game Developer
Jul 10, 2018
There is a difference between "fantasy / sci-fi" and "realism".
The most appropriate word is 'consistency' - that even if the rules of this other world or other reality are different, there still are logical, sensible rules.

The big problem however is that your basic hypothesis is flawed. You've based everything on your assertion that he is too perfect and has no flaws, simply because you somehow missed the many flaws that are shown in the story. From that position of being so completely mistaken, there really isn't any way to get anything built on that premise to be right.

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But beyond all of that, let me tell you about reality. There's a place absolutely filled with hundreds of people who are way richer than Jensen, way more charming and charismatic, and who can have their pick of members of the opposite sex who throw themselves at them. We call this place 'Hollywood', and a thousand people rather like, say, Chris Hemsworth, make Jensen look like a tongue-tied, unattractive, pauper.

Welcome to 'real' reality.


Feb 20, 2019
Isn't Jensen basically a Hemworth hybrid though? I mean, looks-wise.. seeing Jensen, I get almost the same fluttery feeling from seeing Chris, and a little more than with Liam. Maybe I'm weird. Or just thirsty.

As for the story at times straining the suspension of disbelief, Jensen's fourth wall breaks crack me up every time, perfectly negotiating the factors of "what the fuck" and "yes, this is my man just doing his thing". :cool:

Either way, great job authors, animators. I see you worked on this @RogueKnightUK, do bask in the well-earned glow of admiration. ;)


Knockout Master
May 11, 2017
@RogueKnightUK You have just given a well thought out response, but it is incorrect, I shall elaborate on it.

Bad things that happened to you when you were younger are not a "weakness". They are "dark backstory / personal tragedy". Batman's parents got shot when he was as kid. This does not in any way make Batman weak. Superman's planet blew up... That's as bad as a back story you can get. Not a weakness. Uncle Ben getting killed in Spiderman... Again not a weakness. Just because someone close to you died in the past this is not a weakness on your part. In my early 20s, my girlfriend murdered the baby we had together before she committed suicide... I lost my girlfriend and our baby in the same day. Not the most fun thing to come home from work to... I don't consider this personal tragedy a "weakness of mine". I got Jensen beat in the dark back story category. I'm not gonna have a pissing contest with a fictional character though. Everyone has some sort of personal tragedy in their life, even more so the older we get. Everybody has lost someone. It can add to a sense of depression/sadness of a person but it is not something that qualifies as a weakness. If Jensen were shown to be sitting up at 3:12 in the morning holding a 45 to his own head thinking "I miss you, my love, I want to see you again even if it means the end of my life..." If it pushes him to the point of being suicidal that much... MAYBE I'd let you toss it in as a weakness. Jensen is not that haunted though. If I met Jensen I'd tell him "Toughen up buttercup". He needs to get over it. It's been many years.

He lost self-control when dealing with Christian Bernd. That guy 100% had it coming. The man was beating a woman, trying to blackmail her and her daughter into rape... Oh and after he knocked Christian out the guy comes up from behind with a weapon trying to Kill Jensen who Bruce Lee's that shit... Christian is a genuinely bad guy. Showing a lack of mercy in the face of great evil is NOT A WEAKNESS. This is a great strength. Jensen was 100% Justified in his attack on Christian. It was in the "heat of the moment". He had the self-control to stop before killing the man. As for it being in "broad daylight in front of many witnesses", I disagree. It was in some back alley with the woman he was trying to rape as the only witness. You think she was gonna report Jensen to the police if he snapped the guys neck? I don't think so! If anything I'd argue he showed great self-restraint/self-control in not killing Christian. Not a jury in the world would have convicted Jensen there.

Jensen is impulsive: So what? A lot of people are impulsive. That doesn't make you weak. Some people are more or less risk averse than others. No risks no rewards. If Jensen were so impulsive that he got aids from a crackwhore after he gambled his house away at the casino... Ya okay, I'll bite on that being a weakness. It's not to that level though. He never gets himself into situations he can not handle. If there is a guy that goes to the Casino every day and comes home with 5-10 thousand more dollars in his pocket than when he left he does not have a gambling problem. It's when he starts losing every day that he has a gambling problem. Thus his impusliveness is not a weakness, it actually yields him rewards. It's of benefit to him.

Jensen aint down with the whole commitment thing: Again not a weakness. Why would this guy be down with commitment? He can fuck anyone he wants. He is a slut maker. Not a weakness. Many men would live the way he does given the opportunity.

Jensen doesn't know if any of the women he fucks actually like him or are addicted to him like a drug: That's a valid argument, but really any man could say that about them self. Does my girl like "me for me" or is it because I am in good shape, got a nice car, smooth talker ect... Definitely not a weakness. His fat wallet, 6 pack abs, fancy cars, snake in his pants, and guitar playing could all be other things he could make this same argument about. If he didn't have literally everything going for him this would be a valid argument. Like I said though even without his superpowers he has all the things women like.

He is genuinely a nice guy: There are no "nice guys". Check out reddits r/niceguy if you don't believe me. He doesn't face any rejection. He has no reason to be unpleasant. Girls fall over each other in a race to be next to suck his cock. Poor Jensen... If every girl I came across was instantly into me like they are with Jensen I'd be the super chill best guy around too. Jensen never faced a girl that killed his baby... Jensen never met a dinner whore... Jensen never met a woman tried to use him like a tool, Jensen never met a woman that cheated on him. The mother fucker is the whitest of white knights around. He doesn't face any women with problems... Oh wait he does, but you know what those problems are? It's not she is a lazy lying cheating abusive hoe... It's "All other men are rapists!" The Jensen guy is one step short of a male feminist. His married female doctor sucks his dick, then feels bad about being a slut for breaking her professional code, and cheating on her husband... Then he is like "It's all good baby, don't worry I liked it" smooths that shit over in a minute.

Adam: Why does it gotta be a man enemy? Almost every man in the Jensen universe besides Jensen is a villain, and if the man is not a villain they are just one of Jensens Beta buddies which we see briefly when they work for Jensen or offer work to Jensen. A female nemesis would spice the story up more.

Hollywood guys: Incorrect they do not make Jensen look like a tongue-tied, unattractive, pauper. Lots of rape scandals going on in Hollywood. Look at Bill Cosby. Millionaire famous TV star, one of the most recognizable men in the world. All that pipe he was laying was date rape! I'm sure rock stars, and movie stars, and TV stars, and pro athletes all get some serious pussy. Then they got the paparazzi all over them, and rape allegations. Plus that celebrity status is only gonna be of benefit if the person is your fan. Justin Beiber has a million girls that want to suck his dick. Not so much if they are not a fan. Jensen's powers are universal though and work on all women not just "fans". As for them having more money there comes a point where it doesn't make much of a difference. A person living off of 3 million dollars isn't living much less comfortably than a person living off 300 million dollars.

Judging how the game opens with a good look at Jensen's cock I feel the writer is probably a female & gay man.

I think a sequel to this has the potential to be a good story. Set it to 30-40 years in the future. Jensen still has the powers, but is not a wealthy nor as ruggedly handsome nor that same young buck anymore. Instead he walks around with a cane & gray hair living off social security, maybe even in a nursing home. Then that's an intersting story! Then it couldbe argued he has this moral dilemma where women may only be into him based off of his powers, but as the story currently is he is rich, handsome, tough as nails, large very functional cock, nice cars, jamming on the guitar basically anything a woman could ask for but "commitment" but he has no reason to commit because he can lay that pipe like a boss.
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Co-Writer: Retrieving The Past
Game Developer
Jul 10, 2018
innocent daughter tag but no incest tag? :cry:
If the MC has family, but never has sexual activity with them, then obviously there is no incest to tag.

The game opens with Jensen being assigned to protect Michael Brewster's 'innocent' daughter.
While preparing for that, he meets Victoria Parker's innocent daughter.
Later in the game, we also meet Amber ...

Lots of fair reasons why someone might want to tag this as having innocent daughter related content, and not a shred of incest.


Mar 1, 2019
We as devs / writers do not make the tags up. But as explained there are many innocent daughters in game of some mother or father. There are also innocent sons...
ok but if the tag is "innocent daughter" it is automatically thought that it is the daughter of the MC but if it is the daughter of cualwuier another person the tag should be "innocent girl or neighbors or whatever" just say


Co-Writer: Retrieving The Past
Game Developer
Jul 10, 2018
Either way, great job authors, animators. I see you worked on this @RogueKnightUK, do bask in the well-earned glow of admiration. ;)
I'm just one of several on the team, a mere word-wrangler, with the occasional bit of continuity checking, the main drive of the story, and all of the hard work on the renders, comes from @MrKnobb

@RogueKnightUK You have just given a well thought out response, but it is incorrect, I shall elaborate on it.
Oh Goodie - I'm so glad to hear you elaborate on how I'm not correct about a story I'm helping to make up...

I'd reply, except you were so mind-numbingly backward, like you come from some culture that is still medieval, that I honestly don't think I could explain anything in terms basic enough for you.

I mean, you dismiss PTSD as something people should 'get over' because it was years ago. You think major trauma and psychosis is just a weakness of will, but at the same time, not a weakness.

And you say that you think the writers are a woman and a gay - why? Because there's a certain modern sensitivity to the story that they don't have back home in your village? Let me tell you, psychology has come a long way, along with huge advances in neuroscience, and they have proven conclusively that it is possible to be both caring and have testicles.

If it isn't for you, that's great. No, I mean really, that is great. If it isn't for you then don't play it.


Knockout Master
May 11, 2017

Sarcasm is anger's ugly cousin. If you are incapable of dealing with constructive criticism & other people's ideas that may not 100% match up with your own might I recommend turning the computer off, finding a nice cup of hot cocoa, a warm blanket, a soft pillow, and some soothing music to relax to in your safe space? I jest of course.

Just because someone comes from a different culture than you do it does not mean that they are "backwards". I wouldn't think someone with "Knight" in his name would consider Medieval culture to be a bad thing. It's warrior culture. You come across as someone that leans progressive to me (Since you speak of modern sensitivity). Surely you understand the concept of "cultural relativism"?

You say that I dismiss PTSD. I do no such thing, and I will elaborate on that to make my point more clear to you. (At least not when it's over something real, for instance, I won't grant someone who got trolled on twitter PTSD status. What happened to Jensen could qualify as PTSD). The way I see it bad shit happens to everyone. It is your personal choice to be a "victim" or a "survivor". Being a victim is bad, and being a survivor is good. Suppose a pair of twins got in a car wreck. They both broke both of their legs. One has a victim mentality, and one has a survivor mentality. The one with the victim mentality will sit and sulk, and constant mourning with this poor me blah blah cry, baby bullshit. The one with the survivor mentality will get physical therapy, and work hard on wiggling his/her toes and claw and scratch and tough it out & do everything in their power to fight against this seemingly insurmountable task thinking to them self "How do I eat an elephant? One bite at a time!" They do the best they can to beat this thing. The latter twin is the one I prefer of the two. Weakness is not something I value highly.

You ask "Why do I feel this was written by a woman or homosexual?" It has nothing to do with him being a "caring man" although I will admit that doesn't help your case. I feel that way because the first nude scene is a close up of Jensen's junk as he gives it a slow stroke in the shower. Following that the 2nd nude scene is Jensen running out into the hall in just a towel. Then shortly after that, the 3rd nude scene is once again Jensen's junk in the shower. Do you see a pattern here?

How could this have been made "less gay"? You may inquire. A very valid question here is a simple answer. Perhaps in that first shower scene give Jensen a flashback to his lost love. Show her naked, and sexy. Maybe she said something sexy, and memorable to him... Show that he still thinks of her, "in good times" and not just her rape/death. Show why he loves her so damn much... Thne later maybe when the girl was snapping a pic of his dick he thought back to when he saw her panties or maybe she started to slide her hand into her panties... The way it went through was.... dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick all in a row like that, and that comes off as gay. Too much focus on dick appeals more to gays and women.

Deleted member 167032

Alternate Existence
Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Honestly thx for your opinions...

Then you and only one other person i know of mentioned the shower dick scene which is fine seeing as it resonates with you abit more than most...

Truly thx for trying out the game and if its not for you then no worries....




Sarcasm is anger's ugly cousin. If you are incapable of dealing with constructive criticism & other people's ideas that may not 100% match up with your own might I recommend turning the computer off, finding a nice cup of hot cocoa, a warm blanket, a soft pillow, and some soothing music to relax to in your safe space? I jest of course.

Just because someone comes from a different culture than you do it does not mean that they are "backwards". I wouldn't think someone with "Knight" in his name would consider Medieval culture to be a bad thing. It's warrior culture. You come across as someone that leans progressive to me (Since you speak of modern sensitivity). Surely you understand the concept of "cultural relativism"?

You say that I dismiss PTSD. I do no such thing, and I will elaborate on that to make my point more clear to you. (At least not when it's over something real, for instance, I won't grant someone who got trolled on twitter PTSD status. What happened to Jensen could qualify as PTSD). The way I see it bad shit happens to everyone. It is your personal choice to be a "victim" or a "survivor". Being a victim is bad, and being a survivor is good. Suppose a pair of twins got in a car wreck. They both broke both of their legs. One has a victim mentality, and one has a survivor mentality. The one with the victim mentality will sit and sulk, and constant mourning with this poor me blah blah cry, baby bullshit. The one with the survivor mentality will get physical therapy, and work hard on wiggling his/her toes and claw and scratch and tough it out & do everything in their power to fight against this seemingly insurmountable task thinking to them self "How do I eat an elephant? One bite at a time!" They do the best they can to beat this thing. The latter twin is the one I prefer of the two. Weakness is not something I value highly.

You ask "Why do I feel this was written by a woman or homosexual?" It has nothing to do with him being a "caring man" although I will admit that doesn't help your case. I feel that way because the first nude scene is a close up of Jensen's junk as he gives it a slow stroke in the shower. Following that the 2nd nude scene is Jensen running out into the hall in just a towel. Then shortly after that, the 3rd nude scene is once again Jensen's junk in the shower. Do you see a pattern here?

How could this have been made "less gay"? You may inquire. A very valid question here is a simple answer. Perhaps in that first shower scene give Jensen a flashback to his lost love. Show her naked, and sexy. Maybe she said something sexy, and memorable to him... Show that he still thinks of her, "in good times" and not just her rape/death. Show why he loves her so damn much... Thne later maybe when the girl was snapping a pic of his dick he thought back to when he saw her panties or maybe she started to slide her hand into her panties... The way it went through was.... dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick all in a row like that, and that comes off as gay. Too much focus on dick appeals more to gays and women.


Engaged Member
Sep 30, 2017

Sarcasm is anger's ugly cousin. If you are incapable of dealing with constructive criticism & other people's ideas that may not 100% match up with your own might I recommend turning the computer off, finding a nice cup of hot cocoa, a warm blanket, a soft pillow, and some soothing music to relax to in your safe space? I jest of course.

Just because someone comes from a different culture than you do it does not mean that they are "backwards". I wouldn't think someone with "Knight" in his name would consider Medieval culture to be a bad thing. It's warrior culture. You come across as someone that leans progressive to me (Since you speak of modern sensitivity). Surely you understand the concept of "cultural relativism"?

You say that I dismiss PTSD. I do no such thing, and I will elaborate on that to make my point more clear to you. (At least not when it's over something real, for instance, I won't grant someone who got trolled on twitter PTSD status. What happened to Jensen could qualify as PTSD). The way I see it bad shit happens to everyone. It is your personal choice to be a "victim" or a "survivor". Being a victim is bad, and being a survivor is good. Suppose a pair of twins got in a car wreck. They both broke both of their legs. One has a victim mentality, and one has a survivor mentality. The one with the victim mentality will sit and sulk, and constant mourning with this poor me blah blah cry, baby bullshit. The one with the survivor mentality will get physical therapy, and work hard on wiggling his/her toes and claw and scratch and tough it out & do everything in their power to fight against this seemingly insurmountable task thinking to them self "How do I eat an elephant? One bite at a time!" They do the best they can to beat this thing. The latter twin is the one I prefer of the two. Weakness is not something I value highly.

You ask "Why do I feel this was written by a woman or homosexual?" It has nothing to do with him being a "caring man" although I will admit that doesn't help your case. I feel that way because the first nude scene is a close up of Jensen's junk as he gives it a slow stroke in the shower. Following that the 2nd nude scene is Jensen running out into the hall in just a towel. Then shortly after that, the 3rd nude scene is once again Jensen's junk in the shower. Do you see a pattern here?

How could this have been made "less gay"? You may inquire. A very valid question here is a simple answer. Perhaps in that first shower scene give Jensen a flashback to his lost love. Show her naked, and sexy. Maybe she said something sexy, and memorable to him... Show that he still thinks of her, "in good times" and not just her rape/death. Show why he loves her so damn much... Thne later maybe when the girl was snapping a pic of his dick he thought back to when he saw her panties or maybe she started to slide her hand into her panties... The way it went through was.... dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick all in a row like that, and that comes off as gay. Too much focus on dick appeals more to gays and women.
My man, you seem like a very intelligent guy, but you are reading way too much into certain things.
I consider myself conservative, and I don't see half the stuff you do.

Until you said it here, I did not even realise that the first 3 nudes scenes were dick scenes. I do not even consider them nude scenes. Trust me when I say Ihave never even seen gay porn and have no desire to ever see it (Sorry to anybody that's gay here, but I would be repulsed by man on man action. It's definately not for me) , but seeing a naked dick is not really that big a deal.

You sound a bit obsessive about the dick. It's no big deal seeing another man's dick. Jensen is sensitive to Woman. I call it not being a dick and also being a gentleman.


Co-Writer: Retrieving The Past
Game Developer
Jul 10, 2018
My man, you seem like a very intelligent guy, but you are reading way too much into certain things.
I consider myself conservative, and I don't see half the stuff you do.

Until you said it here, I did not even realise that the first 3 nudes scenes were dick scenes. I do not even consider them nude scenes. Trust me when I say Ihave never even seen gay porn and have no desire to ever see it (Sorry to anybody that's gay here, but I would be repulsed by man on man action. It's definately not for me) , but seeing a naked dick is not really that big a deal.

You sound a bit obsessive about the dick. It's no big deal seeing another man's dick. Jensen is sensitive to Woman. I call it not being a dick and also being a gentleman.
Well, most of us guys are kind of 'desensitised' to having a top-down view of a penis, given they see it several times every day between showering and visits to the lavatory. I guess for some reason (hey, it might not be teeny-peeny syndrome, he might just be fat), some guys are less used to it and so notice it more? <shrugs>

However, regardless of his unusual fascination, it is actually common to a lot of VNs, and for the same good reason - you want to let the player know early what resources they have to work with. Do they have a house, a car, a job? Do they have any special resources? And letting them know whether they are hung or not is a pretty obvious and logical part of that. If you expect a player to play a certain character, then obviously, anyone with a grain of sense lets them know what they are playing with, so to speak.
3.80 star(s) 78 Votes